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Thread: The Abominable Dr. Dragon (01/04/03)

  1. #1
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: Thunder Bay, On., Canada

    The Abominable Dr. Dragon (01/04/03)

    Chiefdreams tried to post here to announce his new mission, but for some reason, wasn't able to. Here's what he wanted to say:

    I can't think of a better day than April 1st to release my first FM.
    Here it is. I have many to thank but at the top of the list is Peter Smith. Without him it wouldn't have been released.
    Schwaa- Models
    KOMAG- When I first started he was very encouraging and helpful
    Bugelsoft- Same as KOMAG
    Apache-Many tutorials and got me started on custom textures
    Shadowspawn-Meshscale, you'll see why.
    Ricknmel- just because.
    Beta testers
    Peter Smith
    If I have left anyone out please let me know and I'll get you on here too.
    This is T2. and it'll take alot of computer horsepower, sorry.
    bugs are listed in mission text.
    Garrett also starts out with a scroll too.
    Let me have your feedback please.
    Congratulations on the release, Chiefdreams!

    Download at The Circle.
    Last edited by Nightwalker; 2nd Jun 2008 at 10:36.

  2. #2
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: ColoRADo
    Awesome, DLing now.

    But I just started Lorgan's Web about 30 minutes ago. I'll have to cram...

    I almost didn't even look at this thread thinking it was just another April Fools Joke.

  3. #3
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: California, USA, Earth
    Oh well... push over Lorgan's web. It isn't very entertaining... just another city mission I suppose.

  4. #4
    This is set in and around a castle. However this one is not in the city. The different factions infolved are ready to tear each other apart so if you hear an AI or two searching for some "taffer" it may not be you. So you can help with getting a fight going or just sit and see if nothing happens or loot the place while they kill each other.
    I've played this several times and the outcome is not always the same. It is my first FM though but I had great help as you can see in the post above. I hope you like it.

  5. #5
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: California, USA, Earth
    I'm not even done yet and i'm in awe!
    Its great! I love the haunted graveyard.
    Im sorry to admit the graveyard doesn't have the overall scary feel, that would make you not want to go in.

    One. Make it a little tighter to give the feeling of 'if anything is behind me, im screwed!'

    Second. Put some bones.

    Other than that its great! Keep making missions! This mission made my day!

    Oops... spotted a zombie! Gotta go.

    Edit: The moaning in the basement of the graveyard is cool.

    Also, please include more zombie-slaying things!

  6. #6
    Start walking up to the crypts and say hello. Have your running shoes on first.
    Zombie-slaying thing?

  7. #7
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: California, USA, Earth
    Hmmm... killer explosive fish?

    Whats next? bomb tree beasts? ahahah! *KABOOM*

    This mission is very unforgiving!

  8. #8
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: California, USA, Earth
    What world do you live it?
    This FM is totally CRAZY!
    From zombies, to ghsot statues, to nuclear piranhas, to frankenstien zombies, even to living guard statues that kill you!
    This is completely INSANE!

    Although, for a first mission, this is VERY teched-up!
    The haunts in the glass was... erm.. strange!

    Your great at this! I think you need to work on terrain a little. But after that. I predict you will be making something as good as Calendras Legacy in a little while! 2.67829 billion cheers for the Maker!!!
    Last edited by Haunt-of-DOOM; 2nd Apr 2003 at 00:11.

  9. #9
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: ColoRADo
    Originally posted by Haunt-of-DOOM
    Oh well... push over Lorgan's web. It isn't very entertaining... just another city mission I suppose.
    I think its pretty interesting so far. I'm liking alot of the archetecture. So far i think it has one of the funniest things I've ever seen/heard in an FM. You walk in the brothel and nobdoy does anything, made me a little suspicous but i went ahead and grabbed some gold items off of a table, and the ladie says:

    "Go ahead Garrett, take anything you like, I'll add it to your tab... (No, that wasn't the funny part, the funny part followed when she leaned over to the Ai next to her and whispered... "That's Garrett, he always acts like he's a thief when he comes in here"

    great on Shadowspawn !!!

    Still DLing...

  10. #10
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: Freetown PEI Canada
    Downnnlooadinng noow . Damn you taffers with DSL !

  11. #11
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    breaking the stainglass window!!! Just like the note says *please don't break the windows* Like a dope I immediately think 'okay, hum dee hum' *whap*
    ... I totally fell into that trap. I should have taken the warning more literally. Instead, I probably woke up half my apartment when I got a nasty surprize.

    It's so amazing this next generation of FMs...they keep getting more and more creative. Bravo, Chiefdreams!

    This is definately one of the more athletic kept me running. Garret needs to get into better shape.

  12. #12
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: ColoRADo
    Well, I played for about 1/2 hour tonight and think its an awesome mission so far. Lots of custom stuff, good storyline, lots of routes to choose from, some spooky stuff...

    I won't give away any spoilers but I am going to go break that window now (I'm right there).

    Good Job Chief

  13. #13
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Germany, Bavaria

    Help needed

    This is a really great mission - but we need some help (we're playing in expert)!

    1. How can we open the golden door down in the crypt?
    2. We can't find either the mask nor the horn?!
    3. What shall we do with the green meteorit?

    Last edited by outknockers; 2nd Apr 2003 at 09:07.

  14. #14
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Location: Antarctica
    downloading now
    great to see new fms
    cheers to Chiefdreams
    () ()

  15. #15
    Distant Quasar
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: New Phlan
    Is this mission related in any way to the classic horror film "The Abominable Dr. Phibes"? It is one of my favorite old movies.
    - eep!

  16. #16
    I love these old films.

    I took from these films;

    The Abominable Dr Phibes,
    Die Monster Die,
    The Young Sherlock Holms,
    Son of Frankenstien

  17. #17
    Registered: Jun 2000
    Location: Land of enchantment

    Re: Help needed

    Originally posted by outknockers
    This is a really great mission - but we need some help (we're playing in expert)!
    1. How can we open the golden door down in the crypt?
    There is a special key in a secet area inside the castle. See below for details.
    Look in a fireplace.

    2. We can't find either the mask nor the horn?!
    Mask - related to above. Horn - read all the books and scrolls. Look for gate.

    3. What shall we do with the green meteorit?
    Nothing. It is eye candy.

  18. #18
    It's more than just eye candy. Have you tried to pick it up and look real close at it?
    Of course if you read the good Doctor's writings you might not want to.

    Thanks to all of you for the responses. I'm glad to finally release a Thief FM.
    For those of you that haven't yet it can be a scary thing. But rewarding too.
    There are still more fun things to discover at the castle. I hope you all enjoy it.
    I'm 80% done with part two.
    Last edited by Chiefdreams; 2nd Apr 2003 at 10:42.

  19. #19
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: ColoRADo
    I've hit a wall and need help:

    I have the rosary key, the portal gate key, and the Armory key.
    yet I can't find the doors to use them on. I feel like i've been everywhere.

    I've been in the lab (and i know there's a door with bloody hand marks [Nice Tex by the way] but can't figure out how to open it.

    I got into the Franken room, there's a chest that is locked and I read a note about Benny's stuff in there, but the drunk doesn't have a key on him.

    I've seen the wife, nothing to do?

    I read above about the crypt, can't find it.

    I've read everything I could find but don't have a clue where to go/what to do.

    I like the dragon teeth and haunt windows nice touches, especially the windows.

    the fish tank is funny too, reminds me of the South Park with Kenny's killer fish LOL.

  20. #20
    all chests are pickable

    Bloody hands is just texture no door

    the wife/corpse is explained later

    armory is the sewer type door. the key has to be used twice. I'll fix in next release

    rosary is key for golden mask. crypt in graveyard
    Last edited by Chiefdreams; 2nd Apr 2003 at 14:13.

  21. #21
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: ColoRADo
    Hey Chief, just look up when you post There's a button for Spoiler, hit that and type in the box.

    Thanks for the hints. I forgot about the graveyard i got stuck in that room without the key once, hit quicksave accidentaly and had to start over Twice

    hah, that's funny, when you use those two smileys in a room it says P eww and that's exactly how i felt about quicksaving instead of loading twice.

    I'd leave that text, maybe align it a little better, But I think its great If you do an update I have found a few small spots of Jorge here and there. (Fireplace stash, look up in fireplace. Can't think of the others right now)

    I'm sure I tried to pick Franks chest, I'll try again.

    I am at the armory door and thought I tried that key, when I use the switch it looks like it wants to move...

    thanks for the hints

  22. #22
    Crap! I just played it and somehow you have to use the key twice. I have no idea how that happened.

  23. #23
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: ColoRADo
    That must be it because I'm sure I tried all of my keys, this time around it worked.

    Still can't find the Horn or the Portal gate. I did find the library and read a book, but no clue there. I also went back to the locker room, got chased out by a gaurd and forgot to go back.

    Clue as to which book i should read?

  24. #24
    The Captain of the guards book.

    The gate at the south end of the property south/south west

  25. #25
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: Thunder Bay, On., Canada

    Finished! All I can say is Wow! This mission has the most surprises, per square inch, of any mission I've come across and it's terrific! How on earth did you come up with all those ideas and then make them work? Fascinating and amazing. Thank you, Chiefdreams.

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