I've played through, but I have an uncanny feeling that I've missed a lot of contact. Overall impression is that this is a high quality piece of work. The changes in the game mechanics work well, I really like the way the multitool functions differently depending on what you are trying to hack. The work put into the the weapons has paid off - they look good and are satisfying to use.
I'm curious about how DX would play if you introduced the TCP mechanics - how feasible would it be to do this?
The level design is also impressive, both on a large scale (esp. Journey into TCP HQ), and in the level of detail. Charlotte's observations on personal posessions add to the immersion of the game.
Script/Dialogue was initially irritating, until I got used to having mixed vocal/text dialogue again. Some sections could be called overly wordy, but as these are delivered as text it isn't a problem.
So, overall it's very good. A second episode would be great, but this mod seems to have been made by people with real lives, rather than the usual 16-year old spotty uber-geek efforts, so I'd be suprised if you had the time.
BTW: spoiler:Is it possible to get into the experimental weapons room in the armoury?