Maybe it was Irony?
If, by story, you mean "once upon a time, there was a top secrete unground research organisation who sent an agent to dartmore..." then obviously we haven't got to that bit yet so I can see his point. If you mean background, characterisation, setting the scene etc then I really can't see his point, seeing has Cassandra has more of that in it's first ep than most games have full stop.
Last edited by Tim Was Already Taken; 17th Sep 2003 at 19:08.
Maybe it was Irony?
I have a theory.
People keep calling Ep 1 "short". I never thought it was short, since it took a Geological Age to put together and you can obviously spend more time playing it that it takes to watch a lot of feature films.
But if you think of a story as having a Beginning, a Middle and an End, and Cassandra as only having a Beginning, then you could indeed see it as 'short' even if you play it all day.
I don't so much mind that.
It's always possible that wasn't what he meant, though.
The "episode" idea implies a resolution at the end of it (the Enterprise leaves orbit and continues voyage in StarTrek). So far Cassandra hasn't had one of those. Thats where the issue could be.
If he'd ment any of those things he'd have said them, surely?
Yes... in that case, my last post was actually a personal criticism.
'An anarchist is a liberal with a bomb'
I think the episode idea is that the mission ends at the end, that doesn't mean a resolution.
What we have now is not technically an episode. We're, like, in the bit where the news comes on half-way through.
The news makes grisly viewing.
Chris: Even an end of a mission provides the required resolution for an episode. It lets a greater story arc begin while tying up the initial plot.
Actually, its almost best to think of one of those split feature length episodes that Star Trek TNG always liked. Then as well as being the credit sequence, that level filler at the end was a massive "To Be Continued" sign.
'An anarchist is a liberal with a bomb'
Since when does an episode imply a resolution?
Its like 24. Only hopefully with less episodes.
Well judging by more recent conventions of Star Trek, Star Gate, Simpsons, Red Dwarf, Buffy and Angel. I know some played around with ongoing stories in later series but usually began on a one ending per episode basis. Presumably this was so that the casual viewer could slot themselves in mid-series with relative ease.
'An anarchist is a liberal with a bomb'
Different convention: end on a cliff hangar. This Cassandra part hasn't ended on one, its ended before any supposed real danger has been tackled.
'An anarchist is a liberal with a bomb'
Although its probable that the makers of all those shows didnt spend two years making the first ten minutes of the first episode then go "fuck it, we'll kill ourselves soon anyway, lets just stick what we've got out in that slot on BBC 2 where Trade Secrets normally goes"
That's because they don't have your style.
I'm curious - about how much gameplay timewise in this mod? How long does it take to play through it - 2,4, 8 hours? Just curious. Thanks.
It's very much like the UNATCO base sections in Deus Ex. You could spend a good hour talking to all the characters, or you could simply grab your equipment, be briefed and rush off to the mission.
Don't know how long the actual mission will be or how many episodes there are going to be (if there's even more one).
Grifman: I played through in just over an hour the first time round. Then I went back, and explored more, and it took me around three.
Kieron can play through in four minutes.
So it really, genuinely, depends.
Will Cassandra be completed sometime in the future? I've played it a couple of times and found it interesting. I'd like to see more installments.
Sadly, no.