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Thread: Flight Unlimited III manual?

  1. #1
    Registered: Jul 2000
    Location: Indiana

    Flight Unlimited III manual?

    I was looking thru all the used games at my local GameStop today and came across Flight III for 5 bucks. But it was only the 3 CDs. Anyone know if the manual is in pdf anywhere?

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by Dayrth; 3rd Sep 2003 at 14:38.

  2. #2
    Not that I'm aware of. AFAIK it (sadly) never had any kind of budget release that would include a PDF manual.

  3. #3
    Registered: Jul 2000
    Location: Indiana
    Bah, that's what I thought. Oh well, guess I will still keep a look out for a box version.

  4. #4
    New Member
    Registered: Feb 2004
    Location: Sydney, Australia

    A manual - sorta


    I actually PDF'd mine - if you'd like a copy. I didn't do the aircraft-specific parts though.

    Let me know
    Jon Point

  5. #5
    New Member
    Registered: Aug 2008

    Flight Unlimited III manual

    if I'm not too late, May I have a copy of your PDF?
    Thanks in advance.

  6. #6
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2008
    I also want to have a copy of your PDF. Could you send me a copy?
    designer bags

  7. #7
    Try this instead:

    I'd be surprised if effyouthree was still around. It's been over four years since his/her last post, and he/she stopped logging in shortly thereafter. Maybe he/she still lurks or has taken on another username?

  8. #8
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Virginia, USA

    "effyouthree was still around".

    He hangs out frequently at the Avsim Flight Unlimited forum as well; name is Fu3. He's very active in supporting Flt3/2 there.

    Go to replacementdocs dot com. Search for Flight Unlimted and download the reference card for Flight Unlimited II. It's a near match for the commands in Flt3. The Flt2 manual they have may be helpful as well.

    You all take care,


    Maybe this link will work:


  9. #9
    Does he lurk around here?

  10. #10
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Virginia, USA
    Does he lurk around here?
    I'm not sure. You can catch him over to the other forum though.


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