Link opens a page, but the HERE link says: "NO SUCH MISSION."
Guess I'll have to wait a bit longer.![]()
Hello everyone I would just like to tell you all that my fm "The Trickster's Castle" is now available at I'm surprised about how fast Tibbs was to put it up when I only sent it to him about an hour ago!! Anyways here is the direct link to it: Thankyou very much and enjoy my fm!!
Link opens a page, but the HERE link says: "NO SUCH MISSION."
Guess I'll have to wait a bit longer.![]()
The period at the end of the link you provided causes it to go to a blank mission page.
The Trickster's Castle
I'm d/l it now.
spoiler:everyone outside is now gone he he he but how to get inot the castle hmmmmmmmmmmmm.spoiler:ahhhhhhhh a little swim perhaps![]()
Last edited by maloo; 16th Apr 2004 at 20:03.
Cripes! This is really chuggy as you have already mentioned in the readme. I have an Athlon 2000XP (1.6gb) - 256mb - Geforce 4 MX 440. To think i can play Unreal 2 on max with my system too!Oh well. Off i go to play, play, play!
I hope i can find the way in very soon. This chuggyness is making me feel sick.
BINGO! That was well hidden! Youtaffer!
Last edited by sluggs; 17th Apr 2004 at 22:39.
Eh, i think the mission needs to be reportalised as light bright seems to be turned on, even though my gem indicates garrett is in total darkness. also i think reportalising it would solve the massive lag i am also experiencing.
Congrats on your release though.![]()
Forget that. It needs optimizing a few times. I'm afraid i couldn't go on with this one. Sorry!Playing it makes me feel sick.
Didn't get any better once inside either.
It got better for me once I knocked off everyone outside.
btw how do I get inside?
Well I did optimize it last before I released it but I gues I should of optimized it more then once? I don't think it makes a diffrent how many times I optimize it before I released it. And no I didn't leave light bright on Shadows so I have no idea why it looks like that for you. Anyways it can't be really bad with lag for everybody because it wasn't for me most times and wasn't really slow for some of my beta testers. I think the only way to make it perfectly lag free is do the whole mission over again and there's no way I'm doing that and I'm so sick of working on it because of how long I have because now I really need a break. And I felt that it was really ok now and high time to release it or I might as well of kept this mission of mine forever!!
spoiler:Search the bottom of the pond.
I searched the bottem of the bond. I found a dead guy along with some water arrows, but nothing else. What am I missing?
Lol, I can't believe how hard it is for you to find!!
spoiler:It might be hard for you to see because it's grey but it's very big.
I still can't see anything. Just water, water arrows, and a dead guy.
Ok then,
spoiler:check about 10 inches away from the guys head to the west.
Theres nothing there.
Your kidding!! I don't see how it can disapear for you!!
spoiler:Just keep searching very close to the dead guys head at the very bottom of the lake and you should find it!!
Would the ungodly amount of AI in this missions have anything to do with the lag?
Also,spoiler:I can't find the key to Prince...sorry...King Albert's tomb. I've gone over every inch of all the southern crypts, but no joy. Hint, possibly?
Sure here you go,
spoiler:It's in a room conncted to a hallway and behind the third crypt from the door.
Any distinguishing features to the room?
Its running fine on my system and the AI models right outside of the castle doors are frieghtning as hell.
Whoa! they are enough to scare the skin off a guy.
Very nice DGL indeed.
I kept blackjacking one of them until he exploded and freaked me out!
Scariest i ever seen so Far!
I just need to find that key and i keep searching......
I am sure to have nightmares from this toni-HahA
Cool stuff Man
Well I'm glad that it's fine for you but I am actually going to re-release my mission because I have optimized it about 10 more times now and find that it does help the more times you do it because with this version I made now I was zooming outside and it was just the same inside!! And I found just one more torch that was backwards in my mission anyways. So I am going to re-release it now to thiefmissions and it will surely be the final version because of how good it runs now. Well I'm a little sad that I actually have to release my mission to the same place again but you know what they say: The first time is no good (or somthing) but the second times the charm!!
Thanx for updating it. I shall give it another go.Is the new version finished and at Thiefmissions yet?
BTW, Those custom AI at the door cetainly are good. Damn buggers to kill though.![]()
I'm afraid I will have to give up on this one as I have a P III 1700 and am having the same problem as sluggs. Just too difficult to move - sorry!!!
I'm in the same boat . My system will run UT2004 , but this FM brings it to it's knees![]()
Yep Sluggs it's finished and I sent it to thiefmissions again but it's not there yet.