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Thread: Thief III System Specifications

  1. #101
    Registered: Jul 2001
    Location: Netherlands
    Hmm i wonder, the minimum specifications for Deus Ex: IW are almost the same as Thief DS.

    Minimum Specifications: for Deus Ex: IW
    Windows 98SE/2000/XP (95/ME/NT not supported)
    Intel Pentium® IV 1.5Ghz (AMD Athlon XP™ Equivalent)
    256MB System Memory
    100% DirectX9 Compatible Sound card
    2GB free hard disc space
    100% DirectX compatible mouse and keyboard
    DVD-ROM Drive required

    Supported Graphics Chipsets:
    ATI Radeon 8500
    ATI Radeon 9 series (9000,9200,9600,9800)
    nVidia GeForce 3ti series (no MX supported)
    nVidia GeForce 4ti series (no MX supported)
    GeForce FX seriesGraphic card must support Pixel Shader

    The demo of Deus Ex runs smooth on my pc, so i wonder if Thief DS would do the same?

  2. #102
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Netherlands
    Hi there, Deus Ex IW demo run fine to on my pc, so dont worry it will run great

  3. #103
    Registered: Jul 2001
    Location: Netherlands
    That's a relief, thanks

  4. #104
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland
    Does Hercules GS Fortissimo III support EAX Advanced HD?

  5. #105
    New Member
    Registered: Dec 2003
    Originally posted by bukary
    Does Hercules GS Fortissimo III support EAX Advanced HD?

    IIRC, no card other than the Audigy series support anything above EAX2.

  6. #106
    Hmmmm, I tryed the Deux EX IW demo but couldn't play it after I installed it because a screen came up saying a flesh failed to initialize message (it says to check my video cards and to get current and stuff) but OH well!! I don't really give a damn about getting Thief 3 or care when I do because it will probably be disapointing to me in many ways anyways so getting it when it's a lot cheaper will be so much better when I get a new computer someday. I have two more fm's for Thief 2 to finish anyways. I know I got most of the system requirments because I have Microsoft Windows XP Pro, Pentium 4, 1.50 GHZ and 256 MB of Ram and my video and sound card is Nvdia something.

  7. #107
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: state of quantum entanglement

    Re: Thief III System Specifications

    Originally posted by killed
    WTF?!? I've already heard Windoze is, how to put it nicely, liberal with the use of privileged accounts, but this is ridiculous.

  8. #108
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: Location: Location! 3 words
    I just bought a new computer, mostly JUST SO I COULD PLAY THIS GAME, and now I see that since I have an onboard sound card (but it supports 5.1 channel audio...does that mean anything?) and Home XP edition I can't play it?

    Excuse me, I'm going to go jump off the Fire Temple into a pool of lava now.
    Interrogation Technologist,
    Clan Larcenio Haul
    "We Haul Assets"

  9. #109
    New Member
    Registered: Dec 2003
    Originally posted by paulben
    I just bought a new computer, mostly JUST SO I COULD PLAY THIS GAME, and now I see that since I have an onboard sound card (but it supports 5.1 channel audio...does that mean anything?) and Home XP edition I can't play it?
    You might miss out on some of the fancier effects, but you should be able to play the game (assuming you have a suitable graphics card).

  10. #110
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: Location: Location! 3 words
    Thank you thegrommit, that's a relief. I have an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB, so I think I'll be ok.
    Interrogation Technologist,
    Clan Larcenio Haul
    "We Haul Assets"

  11. #111
    Darn, who ever is in charge of optimizing the PC version of Thief 3 can't be doing that great a job. The game runs fine on an X-Box which only has a meager 700mhz cpu, and the PC version requires a 1.5ghz? That's insane. I can understand the PC version would require a bit more than the X-Box since it's not as easy to optimize with and you have to keep in mind the OS and everything, but 1.5ghz! eek!

  12. #112
    New Member
    Registered: May 2004
    Does anyone know whether there will be a linux version of the game? It'd be nice....

  13. #113
    Registered: May 2003
    Location: NYC
    Unless the WINE emulator is updated before the end of the month, no ( and I mourn with you ).

  14. #114
    Registered: Aug 2003
    Location: Heaven's Gate
    Maybe I can upgrade my CPU manually. iv'e got a steady arm and a microscope.....

  15. #115
    Registered: May 2004
    MB: MSI 745 Ultra
    CPU: Duron 850
    Memory: 512 MB Pc133 ddr
    I want to be upgrading these, but I don't know what to get. And limited be my funds. argh!

    VC: GeForce 4 Ti4400 Won't upgrade soon, too costly for too little benefit...for now.

    Sound: onboard something or other; will upgrade to Extigy tommorrow (Sat), unless swayed otherwise. > Linky <

  16. #116
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Michigan
    *appears mysteriously*

    I have a newish laptop that will not ever run Thief 3, which of course SUCKS HARD, so this is what I am going to do, and I recommend the same:

    I have a group of friends who are hardcore gamer geeks. They have a couple of X-boxes. I shall bring a big bag of edibles to their house and deposit said bag in the middle of the room. While they dive at the edibles, I shall abscond with said Box. Laughing maniacally, I shall have a previously-rented Thief 3 waiting in my car and I shall zoom home to play.

    Yes, I'm <i>really going to do this</i>.

    *disappears in a haze of busy*

  17. #117
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: Location: Location! 3 words
    Originally posted by V. Equinox
    *appears mysteriously*

    I shall bring a big bag of edibles to their house and deposit said bag in the middle of the room. While they dive at the edibles, I shall abscond with said Box.
    I wonder if something similar will be a mission objective in T3? (plant food decoy, steal item)...hmmm, it could work!
    Interrogation Technologist,
    Clan Larcenio Haul
    "We Haul Assets"

  18. #118
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: UK
    Let's see how I do against those minimum specs ....

    CPU: N
    OS: N
    Vid: N
    EAX 3: N

    .... bugger.

  19. #119
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Let's see:
    Athlon XP 2200+
    GeForce FX 5200 64 MB DDR
    256 MB DDR

    you think that'll do for an enjoyable experience?

  20. #120
    Registered: May 2004
    I'm not concerned about my video card or my RAM, but I'm not sure about my processor. It's an Athlon 1600+, which is a little too close for comfort. According to the Eidos forums, those are the minimum requirements, and in my experience, "minimum requirements" usually means "minimum required to get one frame per second." I guess I'll just have to wait and see how heavily it uses my processor.

    I only have a Sound Blaster PCI 512 sound card, so I'm not sure what the game will sound like. Guess I'll have to wait and see on that one, too.

    I'm not buying the game until I know it runs on my system. Hopefully, Eidos will make it easy on me and release a demo before too much longer...

  21. #121
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: Tucson, AZ

    i got a job now and i actually put in the "why do you want to work for us?" part of the application "to buy thief 3 and more RAM" the manager got a kick out of that, lol

    my buddy is giving me his FX 5600 since he is now getting a 5950!

    now my future specs are this:

    P4 1.8 Ghz
    768MB RD RAM (NEW)
    PNY GeForce FX 5600 256MB RAM (NEW)
    SoundBlaster Live! Platinum

    i reserved my copy today!!

    9 more days, YAYYYYYY
    The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his

  22. #122
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Location: Georgia
    LOL!! i getting a job soon, maybe i'll put that too

    i hoping for a 2.0 gHz and i need 512mb RAM for my comp for college next year so things look ok for me as long as i get a good vid card

  23. #123
    New Member
    Registered: May 2004
    Location: a german from Vienna (Austria)
    i think with this hardware is it nice to play:

    yeah, i love my sys, too. =)

  24. #124
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Originally posted by Tudor
    Let's see:
    Athlon XP 2200+
    GeForce FX 5200 64 MB DDR
    256 MB DDR

    you think that'll do for an enjoyable experience?
    Graphics card and memory are the speed critical factors. It might suck a little if your OS is windows xp. If you can get more 256MB ddr memory and a GF5600 at least (or an ati 9600) you may see a huge improvement.

    If you can add 512md ddr memory (its cheap), it may have some positive impact on the load times between different maps. As an example i played U2 with a 1Ghz cpu, radeon 9000, and 512mb ddr memory and it was very playable while maintaining load times about 20s.

    I hope the game has a feature to medium quality textures sets and use lower quality shadows (faster to compute) cause my radeon only has 64mb of vram and the my cpu may suffer a little. But if it runs on a Xbox there shouldnt be any problems.

  25. #125
    Registered: Apr 2004
    Location: Between your toes!
    There will be no option to make less complex shadows. Just to let you know.

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