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Thread: Just Friends Part 1 May 24/04

  1. #1
    Registered: Nov 2002

    Just Friends Part 1 May 24/04

    At long (and painful) last, my first FM is available at Please check it out, and I hope everyone enjoys it.

    Any questions / comments I'll be happy to answer here.

    Last edited by epithumia; 3rd Aug 2004 at 11:37.

  2. #2
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: The Crippled Burrick

    I'll grab it shortly you taffer.

  3. #3
    Registered: Nov 2002
    ....maybe it was a mistake to include a comments or questions at bad...

  4. #4
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: Thunder Bay, On., Canada
    There's just a lot of stuff out there all at once. I'm sure people will be happily playing it and still have questions and comments. I'm just going to start playing it now!

  5. #5
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: BREM, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by bassmanret
    At long (and painful) last, my first FM is available at Please check it out, and I hope everyone enjoys it.

    Any questions / comments I'll be happy to answer here.

    I have been traversing buildings,unlocking doors-windows,knocking out guards. ANd reading everything i can pick up.
    Now i have a sewer key,went down the ladder to a closed grid blocking the way and there is a lever that isn't frobbable there.

    Is this because i havn't completed one of the other objectives in the list yet?


  6. #6
    Registered: Nov 2002

    YES! You must complete all other objectives before going into the sewers.

    The most obvious is the loot objective, but there are other objectives to be found if you explore the town.

    "....When you're done with everything else, get to the sewers"
    Last edited by bassmanret; 24th May 2004 at 17:34.

  7. #7
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: BREM, WA
    Great work by the way.

    The city missions like this are always a thrill and the books are hilarious and interesting for a "ehem" extra explicit content oriented theme

    Its a reallly quite brilliant how you brought it together.
    I have a waise to go finding all the loot and objectives.
    The positioning of the thief guild members on the corners of rooftops was something you don't see.(very cool)

    I was hiding under the staircase inside the brothel after coming in the front door and was sneaking up on a guard who was standing in the lighted doorway, when he heard me tapping the wood floor as i sneaked towards him, and said," SHHH DID YOU HEAR THAT?
    I don't know if its me, but its so damn funny when your being seriously focused in the game and get those whim comments

    Good job on this i really like the whole story and AI compilation so FAR!!!!
    Long time in the making 1 year+! OOHLALA


  8. #8
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Thank you, dealasteal!

    Sounds like you're just getting started, though. Keep searching! You'll find much more ...unusual... stuff.

  9. #9
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: Big Piney Woods of Texas

    I would like to know how anyone got the gem down in that little alcove area in the treebeast area. I finally gave up because I couldn't jump back up again and could not get balanced on the slanted tree to get to the vine arrow. What a workout!!!!

  10. #10
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: Florida


    can't find the keys in the brothel.

    .... caropr

    ps.... how do you insert the spoilers now in posts?

  11. #11
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: Inside at last...
    What is this? Can I eat this?


    Thank you bassmanret!

  12. #12
    Registered: Nov 2002
    JoanieS: It is indeed tricky to get the nugget on the slope (where the tree sticks out nearly horizontally), but it is possible. Here's how:

    After grabbing the nugget, climb or crawl to the side of the tree where the ropes are. Then, walk across (on top of) the tree until you are at a point where you can jump (or fall) off the tree, and onto the rope. It is difficult, but not impossible. It may take a few tries, so save before you try.


    Remember the note you read in the cave? She said to use her 'back door', and if she's not there, find her 'special spot'. Look around the back of the brothel. If you find a (back) way in, look for a 'special spot'. When you find it, you'll get the keys you need. If you need more of a hint, let me know.

    Sorry, but I don't know how to make SPOILERS in this new forum format. If anyone does, please let me know.

    Fallen+Keeper: "Can I eat this?" ....well... if you haven't played my mission all the way through, the answer is, yes, of course! However, if you HAVE played my mission, the answer is well, if you really want to....and if you know who has ... had... it.... then... um.. yes.. I's up to you.

    Last edited by bassmanret; 24th May 2004 at 21:11.

  13. #13
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: Florida

    ....... caropr

  14. #14
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: The Netherlands

    this is a great game

    This is a great game!!!
    Enjoy all the comments, Bassmanret.

    JoanieS: I'd like to give you an alternative for getting that nugget, but I can't seem to find the "spoiler" function on this new replyform.
    It's great, but perhaps I don't understand all the options to use, because of the difference in language.
    Please, someone, let me now.

    Gloria Creep
    There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
    Dare to join .............

  15. #15
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: Florida


    Nightwalker had posted in another thread about spoilers.


    but replace } with ]

    ....... caropr

    yep, it works

  16. #16
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom
    Another FM to download? Is it Xmas or something?

  17. #17
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Thanks, Gloria Creep! You were a fantastic betatester! If anyone out there is looking for betatesters, Gloria is your girl! She was awesome!

    Testing new spoiler format now:

    Is Dis Da Spoiler???

    end test

  18. #18
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: The Netherlands


    Thanks Bassmanret for your kind commend. I think you're a great FM-maker, using all facilities of Dromed! I never got in to that....... Still want to ..........someday !

    But, again .......... what about those spoilers? Please, humor me, I don't know where to start to try and "grasp" it. I'm sorry. Must be "a language problem".

    Gloria Creep
    There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
    Dare to join .............

  19. #19
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Gloria Creep:

    As I understand it, you must put a bracket "[" and the word "spoiler" in the front of your message. Then, you must put a slash "/" and a close bracket "]" to end your message.

    At least, that's the way I understand it, and it's worked for me.

    I hope it works for you!

  20. #20
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: The Netherlands
    Thanks, I'll try tomorrrow. Here, in the Netherlands it is 04.13 right now, so I should go to bed now.
    Nighty, nighty Taffers!

    Gloria Creep
    There're angels who playThief and angels who don't ........ both go to heaven ............
    Dare to join .............

  21. #21
    Posted by Sluggs:

    "Another FM to download? Is it Xmas or something?"

    No it's just the blessid season for fm's. The most wonderfull time of the year that we never know when will come untill it does.

  22. #22
    Registered: Apr 1999
    Location: Portland, OR USA
    Quote Originally Posted by joanieS
    I would like to know how anyone got the gem down in that little alcove area in the treebeast area. I finally gave up because I couldn't jump back up again and could not get balanced on the slanted tree to get to the vine arrow. What a workout!!!!
    I got up there from the uppermost vine. Leapt to the darkest place I could, then hid in that steep sloped area where my rope arrow was from before. Took the arrow, then when the treebeast had calmed down, I shot it into the gravel texture. It gave me enough leverage to mantle out. Then sneak up behind the treebeast and backstab once to kill him off. Scoop up all the nuggets, get back my rope arrow, then leap back out onto the uppermost vine.

    Now, I'm here:

    I went down the rocks to the area with the puddle and the frogbeast and got the water arrow. Now I've run down the channel from there to be confronted by TWO more frogbeats and me without a broadhead to my name! Eek!

    I hope I can get through this stuff and on to the city part of the mission

    EDIT - bassmanret:
    I'm stuck in this room with the two frogbeasts. I nipped up the nugget and climbed to the highest rock, but I just can't get run and jump enough to get a mantle going on the upper doorway. Did I come in from the wrong side?

    Playing on "Anal"

    Last edited by Melissa; 25th May 2004 at 00:03.
    Your mileage may vary

  23. #23
    Registered: Nov 2002

    You're doing fine! Just keep going! It may seem like you've reached an impasse, but you're right on track. After getting the nugget, just jump onto the boulder to the exit. It can really be done! Jump onto the small boulder, then mantle up. After this, it's easy..... well,

    You Da' WO ...Man!!!

  24. #24
    Registered: May 2000
    Location: Thunder Bay, On., Canada
    I started the mission earlier but didn't have enough time to do all of it but so far it's great! I love the caves, though I think it's a tiny bit too hard in a few spots and I really, really like the ways of getting around through town, on rooftops, through windows, etc. I'm looking forward to finishing it tomorrow! Thanks!

  25. #25
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Anywhere it's dark
    For anybody that's interested in saving themselves the stomach-churning aggravation of those goddamn jumping rocks…

    …it’s possible to nail the tree limb with your rope arrow far out enough to catch the vines immediately from the very first opening, retrieve the rope arrow (which will be essential later) and duck out of the shaft that leads directly to town.

    Of course, you will miss a not-insubstantial amount of loot this way, but what good is gold if you end up beating your head to pulp on your desk in frustration?

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