Eeemage no wirkie.
But if I understand correct, you're wanting to make a shader, possibly with self-illumination / specularity... probably with SI / Spec masking as well.
Will be more helpful when eemage wirkie.
(edit=eemage wirkie)
erm... what exactly are you talking about?
The entire general feel? (up the zone ambient light)
The individual textures? (shaders)
The meshwork? (increase scale glow)
(edit2=d'oh wine)
The light thingie? Probably best to fake it out with a corona nearby, I think... I dunno. I see what you mean, but I'm not sure what effect you want to achieve. I'd use maybe twin lights (one to light, one to glow) and a zero light set for a corona... But, as I say, I'm not sure what you mean by Overbright.