I'm pretty dumb at UED stuff, but I'm pretty good at snagging files in general. Do you think you could send me a file to mess with? admin@digitalnugget.com works
I've been bit with the editor bug bigtime, I can safely say that...Anyway, this is definately a question that isn't covered in the tutorial DVD, and one that might not be answerable here since it doesn't pertain to Ued directly.
Earlier on today I picked up a copy of Unreal 2 so I could pillage it for materials. As it turns out, there are quite a few damn nice textures and static meshes in there that I'd love to get my grubby hands on...but...I can't seem to extract them into any readable format (I've tried DDS viewers) and 2k4's Ued crashes when it tries to read the UTX files.
If it comes right down to it I can take screenshots of the textures and rebuild em from scratch, but that'd end up being really time consuming so I wanna see if there's an easier way before I start doing everything the hard way. I've already scoured Google, so far the best I've been able to come up with are newbie posts (sorta like this one) that most of the other posters ignore. If you know how to do it, or know of a site where I could find out how to myself, then post til your hearts content...I will reward you with much candies and praises.
Edit: Checked the reference sticky..no go : \
Last edited by Renzatic; 16th Jun 2004 at 02:02.
I'm pretty dumb at UED stuff, but I'm pretty good at snagging files in general. Do you think you could send me a file to mess with? admin@digitalnugget.com works
P2P does not stand for 'permission to pilfer,' Ashcroft said
Sure thing...a 368k file is on it's way.
Edit: Just so you know, I've already tried out a couple of UTX file extractors and so far none of them have been able to read any the Unreal 2 texture files. There's obviously something different about em, the actual texture filetypes themselves would be my guess. When I tried to extract the file using Ued, it wouldn't give me a file extention for the image and renaming it to any various one I could think of wouldn't work...so it's possible that it might be propritiary...
Last edited by Renzatic; 16th Jun 2004 at 02:22.
UEd for Unreal 2 is substantially different from UEd for UT2k3 / 2k4... The former was made by and for Legend, the latter for and by Digital Extremes. As a result, some things are just utterly incompatible. You can't use Unreal2 resources in a UT UEd, and I think vice versa, though I've never tried that way around.
What you need is WOTgreal for all your exporting needs. It'll shift textures, meshes, sounds, you name it.
Right, but you'd think they wouldn't be so stingy about keeping their textures in their game. I'll try out WOTGreal and see what I can come up with there...looks about complicated, but I think I'll manage.
And I just figured out that U2's Ued exports the textures as 0k files...
Now that I think about it, I think I read somewhere that Unreal 2 protects its data so you can't swipe it and put it in your UT stuffs. That doesn't stop us though. I've sent the extracted textures to Renzatic. I used Dragon Unpacker, which can extract like anything from anything.
P2P does not stand for 'permission to pilfer,' Ashcroft said
Wuggles...I'll name my firstborn after you and breakdance at your wedding.
Thanks much, I really appreciate it.
You'll have to learn to fish some day, though.