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Thread: T2 FM: So Long Hammers (Aug. 9, 2004)

  1. #1
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    T2 FM: So Long Hammers (Aug. 9, 2004)

    This is a small FM I decided to make 3 weeks ago in part because I was tired to wait for the 3 bigs ones(COSAS, T2X and Hammerite Imperium) and also because not many new FM has been coming out for a while.

    You can download it at
    Additional links:

    Hope you'll have fun with this one

    BTW it's both in French and in English, the English version having been revised by Nightwalker & husband.
    Last edited by nickie; 17th Jun 2012 at 10:18. Reason: Adding download links

  2. #2
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Location: Sulphur, Louisiana, USA
    Yay! Something to taff before i go to bed thanks!

  3. #3
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom
    Wuhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I've just finished working on my City FM and i was lost for something to do. This is another FM that's arrived just in time for me.

    Ooh, this is nice, i like it. *Goes back to play*

    The Camera's aren't switching off!

    Wow! Nice way of getting into that locked room! I wondered how i was going to find a way in!
    That's good level design for ye is that.
    Last edited by sluggs; 10th Aug 2004 at 04:12.

  4. #4
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: See the wrench in the shadows?
    Downloading now!

  5. #5
    Registered: Jun 2004
    The Camera's aren't switching off!
    The camera controls only shut off the 3 cameras in the exhibit room. The others(1 outside the control room, 1 outside master bedroom, 1 in the vault) don't shut off unless there are other controls.

  6. #6
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: See the wrench in the shadows?
    I need a wee bit of help. I've found the Builder's notes, but I need a more feasable way to get across the lava to them. I can simply launch myself across the lava flow, but Garrett dips his toes in lava if he does that, and at my current health he can't handle this twice. There's a nice big stone slab saying 'leave thy weapon here, Hammerite.' I can't put down any of my own weapons so I'm guessing there's a hammer around here somewhere that I need to find, where is one?

    This mission's really fun, I give it !

    Edit: Never mind, I found it, and I'm running like hell hoping those invinsible bastards don't catch up to me!

    Edit #2: Crap. Back I am again for more help. I've stumbled across a tomb that lights up when you get close enough and I was able to put the golden skull I found on it. Seems this fello's still missing an arm . . . where do I find it?

    Last edited by TheNightTerror; 10th Aug 2004 at 05:43.

  7. #7
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom
    Hmm, i found the arm and skull but i haven't found the tomb. As for the arm, i can't remember where i found it! This is a fun mission but it took a while to find the things i needed to progress. That
    secret door, i was actually stumped on that for a bit until i thought, hmm, let's try this and low and behold it worked. It didn't realize what the word meant at first, i thought it was something else, something a little smelly!

    This is a nice FM, i am impressed. 3 weeks to make? You're taffin' me!

  8. #8
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: See the wrench in the shadows?
    To get to the tomb I'm pretty sure you need to return to the destroyed bridge. There's one dislodged tomb that knocked a ladder out of place on the other side of the lava, climb in behind it and you should end up in a secret passageway.

  9. #9
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: Freetown PEI Canada
    Thanks for the mission taffer

  10. #10
    Registered: May 2004
    Location: Baton Rouge, LA.
    the golden arm is on the bridge
    Last edited by Hope Vincent; 10th Aug 2004 at 14:04. Reason: TheNight Terror

  11. #11
    Registered: Nov 2002
    Very nice mission!
    ....but, I'm stuck. I'm about 300 short of loot (on expert), and have all objectives done except the loot, and "get back to where you started". I can't climb back up the waterfall! Is there another way back, or is there a trick to getting up the waterfall?

    I'm pretty sure I've cleaned out the caverns, so I'm hoping I'll find more loot back in the manor.

  12. #12
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: the beach/ontario


    Where is the skull?

    Nevermind I found it.
    Last edited by maloo; 10th Aug 2004 at 15:43.

  13. #13
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: See the wrench in the shadows?
    Once thou hath searched every little nook and cranny for severed limbs, check the most obvious places. I should remember that. I just finished the mission, and lemme tell ya, I'm very happy there's no 'get out' objective, at least on easy. I completed my final objective and the 'mission completed' movie played not 2 seconds before Garrett would've been either hit over the head with a haunt's hammer, or sacked with a pair of flying skulls. This mission's really fun, I liked muchly! Mansion mission with undead in the end, 'tis a beautiful creation.

  14. #14
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Need some help for the last bit please There's a stone slab saying leave thy weapon here hammerite but where can i find a weapon?

  15. #15
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    bassmanret :

    The waterfall was a tricky part to do for me and everytime I tested it, it may have took 1, 2 or even 3 attempts to be manteled. But since it always worked for me I decided to let it as it was even if I think I should have mentioned it in the readme file.

    Sorry for this one.

  16. #16
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: See the wrench in the shadows?
    Shadows, if you return to the staircase which leads straight up to a gate blocking access to a certain stone you wouldn't mind swiping, search some of the passageways, and listen for apparitions. When you hear 2, keep this in mind. Flip 3 switches, and don't stop moving.

    Damn my sleep deprived brain! I forgot to thank Hope Vincent for giving me the info I needed to finish the mission. Consider yourself thanked twice.

  17. #17
    Registered: Jul 2004
    Location: namedrocalypse


    Oh no! Sorry, ROFB! I liked your mission "So Long, Hammers" so much I posted a new thread just now proclaiming how much I like it! OOPS! Didn't even notice your thread which had 14 replies already, LOL! But a little extra promotion is good, right?

  18. #18
    Registered: Nov 2002

    I kept trying the waterfall, and finally made it!

    Now, I'm only 58 short of loot, and still looking. Any hints as to the whereabouts of well-placed loot stashes? I've already found quite a few, and am hoping I don't have to go back into the tombs to get the last few bits.

    Loving this mission!

  19. #19
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    Kind of a 'Hint' for the Loot :
    There are some some gold coins that can be harder to find in the mansion, but there is no more than 60 loot of it if I remember well

    Hope that'll help

  20. #20
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: Big Piney Woods of Texas

    Fire Arrows?

    Am I supposed to have opened the vault (yes, I have the combination) before doing battle in the cistern (yes, I have the key)? If so, where the blazes is a fire arrow? Or, is there a control somewhere for the security cameras?

  21. #21
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Location: Sulphur, Louisiana, USA

    two rooms

    there are two locked rooms on the 3rd floor that are not pickable. where are the keys?

  22. #22
    Registered: Nov 2002
    joanieS, it doesn't matter when you open the vault (I did after going into the cistern). Btw, it is possible to open it without alerting the security camera by leaning.

    ShadowWolfe421, you need to find another way into those rooms. Hint:
    Look in another room on the same floor that is accessible.

    another hint:
    Think outside.

    jump from the balcony of the room next door onto the roof, then mantle up to another roof, then climb in the window.

    Hope that helps! ...I'm still loot hunting...

    Edit: Whew! Just finished with 1842 of 2112 loot. The
    secret under the stairs in the tombs
    finally put me over the 1800 loot requirement. I can't believe there was another 270 loot left, cause I'd swear I scoured every nook and cranny. Great fun, though. I know that manor like the back of my hand now.
    Last edited by bassmanret; 10th Aug 2004 at 19:37.

  23. #23
    Registered: Aug 2003

    Control-room key?

    I've done everything but the loot; I'm at 1567, I need 1800.

    I haven't gotten into the camera control room yet; it's unpickable and needs either a key or a secret entrance.

    There was a scroll that gave a hint: it said to go upstairs for some light reading. There is a library right upstairs from that note; an AI patrols it. Is there a spare key in this library? Or a trap door into the control room? If so, I sure can't find either one!

    Anyway, once in there, what cameras can I turn off? I mean, where are they from that room? I found a room with a couple of masks in it, but they were easily looted without turning off the camera there... I assume (I hope!) there is somewhere else, somewhere with a lot of loot.




  24. #24
    Registered: Nov 2002

    Check the ground next to each pillar in the library

    There are only certain cameras (not all) that will be turned off from the control room, though.

  25. #25
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Northbay, Ont. Canada
    Shadow, In one area there are two haunts patrolling the corridors. in the far wall, there are
    3 switches, these switches open the gate where the golden hammer is.
    These haunts cannot be destroy, thus, you must be quick to activate these switches and get the
    golden hammer. with this hammer you will need this to use it at another location, it says drop your weapon. and by doing so, it will have a draw bridge laid out for you.
    I hope you understand what I am trying to explain to you.
    good luck.

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