Great idea, Jari! GBM should sticky this thread.
Dashjianta's great water tutorial is at Thorin's site (now hosted by Jason).
You should also link to Komag's tutorial here at The Keep.
(Updated 15th Oct 2005)
Since there are still new people coming in to the forums to learn about our buggy friend dromed, I decided to post this thread. This thread is supposed to give the new authors a one place to look for basic dromed information. If you know something that should be in this thread, post it here and I'll quote you on this post somewhere. In the end (Part II) there will be a list of tutorials which are not found in the obvious places (in short: you veterans have placed it in your site where people don't know to look for it).
Remember the search: If this thread doesn't give you the answers you seek, try the search function. Click here to go to advanced search. It is the fastest way to get help if you encounter something unexpected. If your search isn't successfull, you should post a thread and let the dromed veterans find where the problem is.
Rules and other things you should remember:
Like most other forums in the internet, this forum also has rules which are there to make the forum a more fun place to be:
Guidelines (Remember the "embedded images must be no larger than 640 x 480 pixels" -part)
Then dromed also came with a license agreement which you should also keep in mind:
Dromed License Agreement (Remember that you are not allowed to sell your fms or anyone else's fm. Such action or anything similar to that will be considered a very bad thing around here.)
Then a small tip for new posters. This is not really a rule, but it is a good thing to remember when posting: Keep the title small, but make sure it explains as much as it can. A title like "Help!" or "Error" doesn't explain much, but a title called "Error: linked_relation" would and it would help those that search the forum.
Recent updates:
Ottoj55's new tutorial added
This thread will answer to the following questions:
1. Where can I find tutorials?
2. My weapons don't show up or I can pick up AIs?
3. My textures don't look like they should in the 3d window?
4. What are the differences between .mis, .gam and .cow formats?
5. What are .osm files?
6. How can I open Thief resource files?
7. How do I make/use a custom gamesys?
8. What does this property/link here do on an object and where can they be used?
9. Where can I find custom models?
10. I can't see my new brushes as they are too dark.
11. S&R? What is S&R?
12. What is Dedx or Dromed Deluxe?
13. Development Team: I have a great idea, but I need a team to do it.
14. Dromed crashed and I don't know why.
15. I want to know how many brushes or objects I have. How can I do that?
16. Wierd objects (particle effects/projectiles/etc) have appeared in the middle of a room.
17. What is the maximum number of everything dromed can handle?
18. What team projects are under development? Can I join?
19. Grid size? Where should I keep it?
20. Motion tags and custom motions.
21. How to create a conversation? (Thief 1)
22. Getting dromed to work.
23.Where can I get some improved keybindings and menus for DromEd?
24. Where can I find some photographic inspiration?
25. How does DromEd choose what to suggests when I press TAB in the console?
26. Why doesn't DromEd display my book text?
27. Why won't DromEd load a certain texture? It suddenly disappeared from my level and cannot be reloaded!
28. DromEd crashes when I try to compile the room or pathfinding database! What could be causing this?
29. When I look at the info_window, it says Created by UNKNOWN, Last Saved by UNKNOWN. How do I replace this with my name?
30. Tutorials by author!
31. Garrett falls through the floor.
32. How to add new sound files?
33. Runtime Object Shadow usage
34. Why doesn't the sunlight (or 'moonlight') in my mission look right / affect the visibility gem properly?
35. Is there an ultimate collection of dromed and mission design tools I can download?
36. Wikis are the rage - where is the wiki dedicated to dromed and dark engine mission design?
1. Where can I find tutorials?
A lot of people have tutorials on their site, but there are a few places with a lot of tutorials. The first place where you should go is the old Dromed Central (teg) section in The Circle. It has some tutorials made by LGS and some tutorials by fans which are not in the new Dromed Central. It also has tools section and some demos: The Getting started page can be very helpfull.
Then try these:
Dromed Central
Thief Underground
Komag's website is also a good place for anyone to know, who wants make missions and he has a few tutorials at his site. (including a Complete tutorial explaining how to create a fan mission from beginning to end):
The Keep of Metal and Gold
GOG+ has a good link page with links to different author's homepages:
There are some individual tutorials you might want to check out too. A list of them should at the end of Part II.
2. My weapons don't show up or I can pick up AI's? [Thief 2]
Did you load both scripts gen and convict?
In the command window type: script_load convict and script_load gen.
3. My textures don't look like they should in the 3d window? [Thief 2]
You have add the line edit_screen_depth 16 to your User.cfg file which you can find in your root Thief 2 directory.
4. What are the differences between .mis, .gam and .cow formats?
.Mis (mission) file holds the terrain information, object placement and in short everything you see in your four different views.
.Gam (gamesys) file has all the object hierarchy stuff. Everything in the object hierarchy (not including the Rooms tree and evrything with a positive ID) is saved in a .gam file so if you make changes there you will have to save the .gam file too and make sure your mission uses it (explained below).
.Cow file has both the mission file and the gamesys file in one file.
5. What are .osm files?
Osm files are renamed .dll files that have special scripts in them. You already know a couple of .osm files, convict.osm and gen.osm, which have all the basic scripts in them.
You can also find custom scripts made by fans:
Thief Missions/Scripts/
In there download GayleSaver's and Telliamed's scripts. And remember, if something goes wrong and you manage to fry your computer, you can only blame yourself.
6. How can I open Thief resource files?
The resource files (.crf) are simply renamed .zip files. You can use anything that can open .zip files to open them.
7. How do I make/use a custom gamesys?
1. Save the gamesys as yourgamesysname.gam
2. Type set_gamesys yourgamesysname in the command window
3. Save mission file
4. Reopen the mission file if needed
Posted by Nameless_Voice:
Remember that you need to save the gamesys every time you modify anything in the Object Heirarchy, or the changes won't be saved.
8. What does this property/link here do on an object and where can they be used?
Nameless_Voice has a very good collection of descriptions for most of the properties and links.
Receptron Effects
Link Types
Tutorial Index
9. Where can I find custom models?
The first place where you should start looking is Low Poly Guild . That site has a lot of models for thief, created by fans.
Another place would be Nameless Tower. Which has huge collection of new objects created by Nameless_Voice
Targa also has a collection of custom objects: Targa's House 'O Thief Stuff
There is also a site with a load of objects and skins and other stuff: Neue Seite 1 (It is in German)
Or try these links:
The Studio of Schwaa
The Watcher's Site
10. I can't see my new brushes as they are too dark.
Press Ctrl+7 to make them all the same brightness.
11. S&R? What is S&R?
They are sources and receptrons or Act/React in dromed. They are a powerfull tool to create scripted events and new functions without using custom scripts.
Here are a couple of good tutorials.
For beginners:
S&R: A Beginners Guide by Sledge
Once you are a bit more advanced in them, try these tutorials by Totality:
Sources and Receptrons, for teleporting and timing.
Sources and Receptrons 2, Temporary In Game Store.
Sources and Receptrons 3, Leaving a Breadcrumb Trail.
Sources and Receptrons 4, Permanant In Game Store.
12. What is Dedx or Dromed Deluxe?
Everything you wanted to know about Dromed De Luxe (DedeX)
13. Development Team: I have a great idea, but I need a team to do it.
First thing you have to do is take a deep breath and ask these questions from yourself:
What do I know about dromed?
Can I really do what I have in mind?
Have I done anything in dromed? Do I know it's limitations?
Do I have anything to show the other taffers that I could do something like that?
Those are questions you will be asked when you try to build a team. A lot of projects come and go and it takes a lot of time and patience to make even a small level.
You should be ready and know what kind of a task making levels can be. If you have an idea or plot you want to share, post it. I can not guarantee that someone takes it as most people like to make their own plots to their FM's, but sometimes you might get lucky.
14. Dromed crashed and I don't know why.
Open your User.cfg file in your Thief 2 root directory. Add monolog to the end of the file. When you open dromed a monolog.txt file will appear in your Thief 2 folder. A lot of stuff gets dumbed down there and if dromed crashes open it up and search for error messages. Then post down the information in the forums and someone should be able to answer what is going wrong in your level.
15. I want to know how many brushes or objects I have. How can I do that?
Type info_window to the command window.
16. Wierd objects (particle effects/projectiles/etc) have appeared in the middle of a room.
Where is this room? Try the command vm_teleport 0,0,0 in dromed. Your camera is now located in the 0,0,0 coordinates. This is an area where Dark Engine stores certain objects for later use and this point is usually the reason for that problem. It has been advised that you build far away from that point or atleast place a 4x4x4 solid cube to that location to make sure the area can't be seen.
17. What is the maximum number of everything dromed can handle?
[I'm working on getting a full list of things but it seems they seem to vary, soI'll just a post a few links which could give you some clue of what dromed can handle.] dilemma (D2)
The brush limit. I think I've hit it
18. What team projects are under development? Can I join?
I don't have a full list of all the team projects going on, but there are a few well known projects going on. Whether they are still hiring people, I don't know, but check out their sites. They should have a job opening page somewhere.
Hammerite Imperium
19. Grid size? Where should I keep it?
You can adjust the gridsize in the corner of dromed. Gridsize You can use it to change the grid. When adjusting the grid there are two rules you should be aware of and obey:
1. NEVER TURN THE GRID OFF! Do not press the Use button below the grid selection. Not using the grid is a very bad thing, which will result in errors when portalizing.
2. Use the grid size which you need and don't go below 11. For example: There is no need to go below 14 if you want to build a 8x14x12 air brush that would align to the grid at that grid size. Low grid usually means more polygons, lower framerate, trouble when roombrushing and more unstable dromed.
The level may work even if go below 9, but I wouldn't count on it and problems may arise later on when adding extra detail. Bad use of the grid is one the things that ruin the first missions (and cause them to be abandoned).
Posted by Nameless_Voice:
After moving brushes or objects with a multibrush, make sure to either grid-snap your map or manually re-enter the co-ordinates of each brush/object that was moved. (Remember: just because DromEd only shows the first two decimal places that doesn't mean it doesn't understand more. Grid Size 11 will allow you to place brushes at 0.125 increments, but it will display these as 0.13 in the coordinate boxes. So be careful when using multibrushes with grid size 11.)
20. Motion tags and custom motions.
Thanks to Shadowspawn we have a complete list of motions and a motion database editor and thanks to the work of Weyoun we have a motion editor. Full list of motion tags for all four Dark Engine games and the motion database editor with the motion schemas can be found at this location:
And the motion editor:
Motion editor
Threads about the subject:
The Motion Database Editor is finally here!
Motion Editor v2.0.2 Released (Player Arm Editing!)
Also, Shadowspawn has a custom motion database created with a lot of modifications:
Available now! Be the first. Come get yours now!
21. How to create a conversation? (Thief 1)
Conversations Tutorial
This conversation tutorial by Deep Qantas should help you in creating conversations. Unfortunetly, the tutorial is for Thief 1, but all the basic stuff is there. Only the schema names have changed (the AI's won't speak if you try it out).
22. Getting dromed to work.
I hear some people are having some problems getting dromed to work with some machines. This FAQ is not here for you, unfortunetly. This is for those getting the "Cannot find GUI font..." errors. First, dromed came with a readme file. Read it and understand it. Then try the Getting started from the old teg:
Getting started
After that, if you are not successfull try finding a thread using this search I made in the editor's guild:
23.Where can I get some improved keybindings and menus for DromEd?
Posted by Nameless_Voice:
Nameless Voice's Bindings & Menus for DromEd 2 v1.18
Nameless Voice's Bindings & Menus for DromEd 1 v1.37
24. Where can I find some photographic inspiration?
Posted by Nameless_Voice:
R Soul's Photographic Inspiration
25. How does DromEd choose what to suggests when I press TAB in the console?
Posted by Nameless_Voice:
The <b>Loc_Hist.hst</b> file contains the history of commands that have recently been entered into DromEd's console. These commands are suggested first when the tab key is pressed. You might find it useful to place all the commands you use often into this file, remove everything else, and then make the file <i>Read Only</i>.
26. Why doesn't DromEd display my book text?
Posted by Nameless_voice:
Custom book texts will not be displayed if there is no Strings folder in your Thief path, so make sure to have one at all times, even if it is empty.
27. Why won't DromEd load a certain texture? It suddenly disappeared from my level and cannot be reloaded!
Posted by Nameless_voice:
Never use the <b>Shape->TxtRepl</b> properties on an archetype, especially if the specified file is one of your currently loaded brush textures, as this will cause DromEd to refuse to load that texture.
28. DromEd crashes when I try to compile the room or pathfinding database! What could be causing this?
Posted by Nameless_voice:
It seems that if you create an object and give it one of the Door properties (Rotating or Translating), and then remove that property from the object, then the object becomes 'cursed'. The only way to fix this is to delete the affected object. You can make a clone of it by hitting Insert first; the clone should have no problems.
To find the object, follow Shadowspawn's advice in this thread:
29. When I look at the info_window, it says Created by UNKNOWN, Last Saved by UNKNOWN. How do I replace this with my name?
Posted by Nameless_Voice:
Open the User.cfg file in your Thief directory, and add the line
user MyName
(Where MyName is the name you wish to have on your mission)
Note: The Created tag is put on the mission the first time you save it, and cannot be modified afterwards.(At least not without using a hex editor.)
30. Tutorials by Author
This section will have tutorials that are not in the commonly known places or buried somewhere in TTLG. If you have a tutorial or know that there is a tutorial in TTLG forums which should be here, post and I'll add it to the list with the author.
Dromed 1.18 Architecture Tutorial
AI reskin tutorial (you may have to put a space before the link to see the picture)
Thief Tips & Tutorials
Water tutorial This is a great tutorial. If you want water in your mission, read this before you start.
Acquiring and using textures creatively
Complete tutorial Explains how to create an FM from beginning to end.
Basic Explanation of Area Brushes
Keys and related properties
Nameless Voice:
Receptron Effects
Link Types
Measurements & Distances (special thanks to Fidcal)
Using Switches and Buttons
Barred Doors
Retexturing Brushes Ingame
AIs Following the Player
Disarmable Archers (old)
Triggering events each time the mission (re)loads
Triggering events when the player is carrying an object, using invisible objectives
vRand (Random Events)
Setting up a Ghosting objective
In-Game Shop
(Tutorial Index)
Undercover Mission Work Around (S&R)
Improved Portable Switchable Lantern
Quick and Easy Gas Bomb
Making Movies in Ulead Videostudio
Importing a Skybox from Terragen
Better Looking Water Fall FX
CritterShots Tutorial
Burrick tutorial v1.0
[If you know a tutorial that is not listed, post a link and I'll add it to the list]
31. Garrett falls through the floor.
This usually happens when you enter solid space. You can see the level as you fall eternally down.
Possible fixes:
1) You have no starting point and point 0,0,0 is in solid:
Create a marker and link it to Garrett with a playerfactory link.
2) You have persistent_player_pos active and your camera is in solid space. Return to dromed mode and move the
camera away from solid.
3) Your starting point is below the ground level. Make sure your starting point is in an air brush. It must also be several units above ground level.
32. How to add new sound files?
When you want to add new sound files you have two options:
1)Replace the old file
2)Create a new shema
This thread covers both of them pretty well:
question about Sound
You might also want to check these tutorials about schemas, if you plan on making new ones:
Custom Schemas by Datoyminaytah
Editing Schemas by Sledge
33. Runtime Object Shadow usage
Originally posted by Eshaktaar:
Try this: Put a bright light object (not a light brush) in the middle of a room, then put a big object, like a generator, right next to it. Adjust the light's Z coordinate so it is about the same as the generator's. Calculate Object Cast Lighting and go ingame. You'll see that the shadow the generator casts on the floor doesn't influence the lightgem. Now go back to the editor and add the property Render->Runtime Object Shadow: TRUE. Go back ingame (I don't think you need to recalculate lighting) and stand behind the generator: Your lightgem goes dark.34. Why doesn't the sunlight (or 'moonlight') in my mission look right / affect the visibility gem properly?Originally posted by Nameless_Voice:
This is a must for every mission! For best results, the property should be added to all the following archetypes:
Bushes (-496) ; Trees (-489) ; Cart (-233) (Also needs Object System->Immobile) ; Buildings (-6521) (Also needs Object System->Immobile)
RobotBoiler (-5695) ; SmeltingCauldr (-434) (Also needs Object System->Immobile) ; Clocks (-425) ; Plumbing (-406) ; CollectorTower (-437) ; HingedAntenna (-429) ; Turbines (-422) ; Transformers (-415) ; Coils (-397) ; Statues (-193) ; Painting (-158) ; Banner (-150) ; Tombstone (-1364) ; Pedestal (-1546) ; DecorVase (-6579) ; Door (-161) ; Lift (-1334) ; PressureStair (-2047) ; PPlatPedestal (-2771) ; ReallyCrushingWall (-3749) ; MechTower (-5042) ; Rooftops (-5739) (Also needs Object System->Immobile) ; FootLocker (-152) ; Chest (-2571) ; Rubble (-1379) ; BrokenFurniture (-2971) ; RottenBarrels (-2983) ; RobotCorpses (-6142) ; WorkerBotBoiler (-6149) ; CombatBotBoiler (-6156) ; SpiderBotBoiler (-6162) ; Barrel (-137) ; Furniture (-10) ; CarBumper (-485) ; Cars (-480) ; Bell (-519) ; Gong (-159)
35. Is there an ultimate collection of dromed and mission design tools I can download?Originally Posted by Nameless_Voice
You are in luck; such a collection does exist. Is it awesome(y/n)? hint:(y)! Read about it here:
36. Wikis are the rage - where is the wiki dedicated to dromed and dark engine mission design?
You are correct, wikis are indeed the rage; in fact a wiki should make this whole thread obsolete. The Dromesday Book can be found here:
Sites on the Thief World (to help integrate your FM)
There isn't always much effort to integrate FMs into the Thief Canon or world nowadays, but one reason may be that this information just isn't very accessible, so I'll put some sites with this kind of information here in case someone thinks it's a good idea to try to fit their FM into the Thief world.
Keeper Library:
(A compendium of Thief lore* -- history of the City, the Hammerites, etc...).
* (I know there are a number of other sites like that have more Thief lore that could be put here. I'll try to add them later, but if anybody knows others, please let me know, so I can put them here.)
The map-project (TTLG thread):
(Lots of discussion, screenshots, and dedicated sites about the Thief world's geography in that thread, of the City and beoynd. If they've gone to all the trouble to make it, it'd be nice if builders started using it.)
A webring for Thief fan sites:
(There are a lot of them out there...)
Non-english Sites
Since TTLG is a pretty international place as it is, people may stumble onto it from any part of the world, I thought I might put some of the lesser known foreign sites here. Cool dromed stuff often pops up there that the TTLG crowd might miss. And I should say that, even if you don't know a lick of the language, it's incredible what you can find just poking around the links and using babelfish, so they're worth exploring even without learning the language. Also, many of these sites contain dromed tutorials in their respective languages ... Later I'll try to put a parenthetical note next to the ones that do to make the list even more helpful, and add more sites as I find them.
Japanese sites:
Keeper's House:
Thief Japan:
AJ's site:
Satellite's site:
Thieves' Confessional
Hell's 3rd Avenue:
Tattoku's Chamber:
German sites:
Thief the Last Glass (
Dark Projekt 2 site:
Thief Union:
Shadow Alliance's Thief page:
Master Builder:
Garrett's Treff:
French sites:
Ladyjo's site:
French dromed tutorials:
French forum (particularly useful is the utilities page):
Polish Thief forum's dromed forum:
Last edited by Digital Nightfall; 29th Sep 2008 at 19:27. Reason: Updated the FAQ
Great idea, Jari! GBM should sticky this thread.
Dashjianta's great water tutorial is at Thorin's site (now hosted by Jason).
You should also link to Komag's tutorial here at The Keep.
This *is* a good idea, I have stickied the thread and made it red so it stands out.
If you want to keep this thread just for FAQ stuff without any questions from other people then I'll happily keep an eye on it and hide those additional posts.
Dido on the great idea. Should be helpful to every one not just them n00bs. . .![]()
I am currently hosting the following tutorials
Spike14's Complete Tutorial
Undercover Mission Work Around (S&R)
Improved Portable Switchable Lantern
Quick and Easy Gas Bomb
There are many nice objects available here by Targa
Targa's Objects
Despite my lack of knowledge of German I find this page helpful
A Thief's World
I found some tips on Apache's site recently:
I don't think this page should be linked to, as it's got that no-cd thing on it.Originally Posted by Dark Arrow
They're Act/React in DromEd. Not "sources and receptrons".11. S&R? What is S&R?
They are sources and receptrons or Act/React in dromed.
It looks like the teg-old directory has disappeared from The Circle, too. There were a few tutorials there which aren't at DromEd Central (which seems to have been in a half-working state for a long time). Anyone know why that happened?Ranstall Tutorials (Unfortunetly the tutorials have moved or been deleted...)
My website is about as far from a commonly known place as you can get, so:16. Tutorials by Author
This section will have tutorials that are not in the commonly known places or buried somewhere in TTLG. If you have a tutorial or know that there is a tutorial in TTLG forums which should be here, post and I'll add it to the list with the author.
<a href="">Basic Explanation of Area Brushes</a>
<a href="">Keys and related properties</a>
They're actually a bit more reference-ish than tutorial-ish. I'm the author of both.
Any chance of doing that with a class rather than an inline style?Originally Posted by David
"S&R" means "sources and receptrons". "Act/React" is shortened to "AR" in dromed.Originally Posted by mopgoblin
Sources and Receprtons are part of the Act/React sub-system.
S&R = Letters
A/R = Post Office
Thanks David.
If I keep updating the first post I doubt there is any need to hide any posts. I do have a couble of question:
1. Is it possible to create a link from a post to another part of the same post?
As the post keeps getting bigger the usability of it goes down. I was thinking that I cut it now with 20 topics. I'll add topics to the first post untill I hit 25 topics and then I'll make a Part II. If it's not possible to make a link to the Part II and have it in the first post, I'll just make a new post in this thread and link to that.
2. When the post goes to the vault, what happens to the thread link?
[Edit: Nevermind. I see the forum has changed somewhat since I last sa alink to the vault. So every thread has an ID and there isn't a forum ID anymore.]
Thank you all for the links, help, and comments. Keep those tutorial links coming. I have a lot of things to add to the FAQ and I'll be updating it as much as I can.
To create a link to another part of a post put: <a name="<em>put your identifier here</em>"></a>.
To link to this part of the post put: <a href="#<em>put your identifier here</em>">Text for Link</a>.
I believe it's usually better to put an <i>id</i> on an html element - for example <i><strong id="crf">6. How can I open Thief resource files?</strong></i>Originally Posted by David
(<i><strong></i> means "strong emphasis", and most browsers display it as bold text, if anyone's wondering)
I just devided the post to two parts after the 15th topic. Should I instead make a link to every topic, or can you easily find something by using the numbers?
I'm running out of things to add. Does anyone still have new tutorials in their sites?
Perhaps a tutorial on how to use the search function is needed...
Originally Posted by R Soul
Are you serious? Where is Grundbegriff when you need him?
Those links could be great, but no matter what I do I get directed to your index page.I'll add the links once I know a way to *fix* this.
I've spendt some time and made this great Thief link page (except 2 which are friends of mine)....Originally Posted by Nameless_Voice
Icons and all ...
I've not verifyed how many that still is there but ...
I've started and is allmost completed with the "cleanup version" of the texture guide).
Things are put in chapters and is systemized a little more .... It will have same adress as well as link to a packed version just in case someone likes to have it at hd
It's an major impropvment from the current one which is really ....fulll of spirit ?!
I'll note ya !![]()
Greetings to all taffers !
Moved content to the first post - Digi
Last edited by Digital Nightfall; 12th Nov 2007 at 20:43. Reason: Moved content to the first post
I think the Dromed License should be included too...
Installation and use of this software constitutes agreement to the terms of this license so please carefully read its terms. If you don't agree with anything in it please delete this software from your hard drive.
This software accompanying this license remains the copyrighted property of Looking Glass Studios, Inc.
You are entitled to use this product for your own use, but may not modify, decompile, reverse engineer, sell, rent, or lease this software to anyone else without the prior written consent of Looking Glass Studios.
Your license to use this software will automatically terminate immediately without receiving notice from
Looking Glass if you fail to comply with anything in this license, you agree to destroy this software and
documentation upon termination of this license.
You may use this software to create or modify levels for use with the game Thief: The Dark Project (henceforth referred to as "levels") subject to these restrictions:
Any levels you create can only work with the full, legal version of Thief: The Dark Project.
Your levels can not contain any modifications or changes to any executable file included in this distribution or those distributed with Thief: The Dark Project.
Your levels can not contain any illegal, trademarked, or copyrighted materials unless you obtain written consent of the trademark or copyright holders.
Any levels you create and distribute must contain your name and email address and must be distributed with a readme file that contain this sentence, "This level was not made and is not supported by Looking Glass Studios or Eidos Interactive."
Your levels must be distributed free of charge. Neither you nor anyone else may sell, rent, lease or commercially exploit these levels in any way. You may only exchange them at no charge to licensed users of Thief: The Dark Project.
When you publicly distribute your level you automatically grant Looking Glass Studios the perpetual, royalty free right to use, modify, license and distribute your level in any way we choose.
Looking Glass is providing this software "as is" and does not guarantee that it will work on your computer.
Looking Glass will not be liable for any incidental, special, consequential or any other damages that may result from the use or inability to use this software. Some states do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages so these limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. In no event shall our total liability to you for any damages, losses, and causes of action exceed the amount paid by you for this software. If any portion of this license is unenforceable, the remaining portion shall remain in effect.
I don't see any reason why it wouldn't remain valid. The "When you publicly distribute your level you automatically grant Looking Glass Studios the perpetual, royalty free right to use, modify, license and distribute your level in any way we choose." bit might have become irrelevent, since there's no longer a Looking Glass Studios. On the other hand, there may well be some manner of legal trickery that would mean it can/should now be read with Eidos in the place of LGS - I'm not really sure about that. Regardless, actually ignoring the licence agreement when releasing a mission would be a bloody stupid thing to do.
I didn't see >>KoMaG's<< tutorial in the list.
It's here!
Section 1: Where can I find tutorials?Originally Posted by Dark Arrow
I was thinking it deserves a spot in #29: tuts by author as well. I still have to look things up in it sometimes, and its just easier for a lazy phukk like me to have 1 place to look![]()
I have added the link to the tutorials section and I also added a new topic.
New topics will go to Part III.
Last edited by Dark Arrow; 11th Sep 2004 at 04:52.
The Low-Poly Guild seems to be down, or at least it is for me... can anyone else see it?![]()
I had the same problem yesterday and track it down. so for now try