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Thread: A Night Visit to the Natural History Museum (Aug. 24/04)

  1. #1
    Registered: May 2003

    A Night Visit to the Natural History Museum (Aug. 24/04)

    Does anyone know where one can download this FM: "VISITE NOCTURNE AU MUSEUM"? It must be an FM by Louve in French. Pictures can be found on this site:

  2. #2
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2004
    Location: Sutton, england

    Found it

    After using google advanced search i found this page to download it from.

    I am downloading it now, i dont know if it is one i have played before but i cant wait to find out.

    Also, if its all in french is there any way to hack scrolls and books so that i can translate them?

    Ta muchly.

  3. #3
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    All the texts will be in the \Books\French directory. Just translate all of them and put the new .str files in \Books\English and add them to the ZIP. However, I wouldn't distribute such an archive without the author's permission... an English translation may already be in the works.

  4. #4
    Registered: Sep 1999
    This is a brand new mission from Louve made for Lady Jo birthday.
    Louve made the mission "Fragments", the 3/5 part of the FM "Nightmares" (Cauchemars).

  5. #5
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: Cave in the woods
    Stuck already.

    I can't find the spare key to the lab, which (if I'm mangling my French properly) is mentioned in a note left by Marcellin to Heinrich. Any hints as to its location?

    Also, I found the hidden room adjacent to the ground-floor offices, but there's a trapdoor (presumably leading down to the lab), and I see no way to open it. Am I overlooking a switch?

  6. #6
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: BREM, WA

    secret found

    Quote Originally Posted by Little_Dragon
    Stuck already.

    I can't find the spare key to the lab, which (if I'm mangling my French properly) is mentioned in a note left by Marcellin to Heinrich. Any hints as to its location?

    Also, I found the hidden room adjacent to the ground-floor offices, but there's a trapdoor (presumably leading down to the lab), and I see no way to open it. Am I overlooking a switch?
    Secret switch:


    I didn't find the trapdoor yet, but did find a secret switch that was located in the Lab where the crates are. I don't know what it opens, but the switch I found is located where the lift goes down to, next to the lift power post in the lab. You have to remain in the basement lab and operate the lift back up from there and search where the lift base is. Its in the square space at the bottom right under that lift-look closely where you will find a coin also.

    EDIT: I found the key for the actual LABoratory now and further exploration continues...

    Last edited by dealasteal; 19th Aug 2004 at 21:13.

  7. #7
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: Cave in the woods
    Thank you, dealasteal. I'm on my way into the lab, also.

    And I finally opened the trapdoor; Louve has a real talent for hiding those switches.
    The trapdoor apparently doesn't lead anywhere important, although it does give you a spy's-eye view of the laboratory ... and a nice bit of loot, if you can find it.

  8. #8
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: Cal-i-for-NI-a
    being as how i have not the ability for delay of gratification, i MUST play this now...

    ahem, but i cant read french too could someone who has the patience to accept my lack of said ability please tell me the objectives? i only have blank boxes with no words for objectives!

    oh yeah....and how do i get in?
    Last edited by nil8hate; 20th Aug 2004 at 01:23.

  9. #9
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: Cave in the woods
    My French is a more than a bit rusty, but here's my take on it.

    1. Find some means of entering the Natural History Museum.
    2. From there, find your way to the warehouse of the Museum of Fine Arts.
    3. Leave the museum park by way of the gate (near where you began).
    4. With all the art stored in the museum warehouse, you should easily be able to pick up 10000/20000/30000 in loot.

    Getting in:
    You'll need to do some climbing. Think Jack and the Beanstalk.

  10. #10
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: Cal-i-for-NI-a
    thank ya, thank ya!!! i am off to find my way!

    duh...sorry, but could you be a little more specific? i am not getting it!

  11. #11
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: BREM, WA

    get in


    The wall vines might make good ladders

  12. #12
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom
    That's one huge building! Erm... There's a streetlight outside that's playing Happy Birthday! Gah, clipping errors!

    Well that was rather short!!! I guess this was made for someone who doesn't like Spiders!
    Last edited by sluggs; 20th Aug 2004 at 05:43.

  13. #13
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: BREM, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by sluggs
    That's one huge building! Erm... There's a streetlight outside that's playing Happy Birthday! Gah, clipping errors!

    Well that was rather short!!! I guess this was made for someone who doesn't like Spiders!
    Haha Sluggs,

    I noticed that too when i came up to that lamp.
    I slashed at all the frozen spiders in every room of the building. Thinking, The intruding guest might be the snack of a birthday party while he was en route.

    A Museum full of long legged pets. YIKES!
    Last edited by dealasteal; 20th Aug 2004 at 12:14.

  14. #14
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: United Kingdom
    That's exactly what i did. I slashed those creatures one by one until i came upon the biggest one! I couldn't find anywhere to hit that one. Brrrrrrr! Creepy!

  15. #15
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: Cal-i-for-NI-a
    feeling kinda dumb about those vine many as i have climbed...i did try some against the wall that did not work...anyway, am inside, flipped the switch under the lift for a secret...but, don't have a clue where the secret is.

  16. #16
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: the beach/ontario


    Go back upstairs.

  17. #17
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: BREM, WA


    I can't help revealing! Somebody stop ME!!!


    Once the secret switch is activated, remain in the basement and search a corner next to a group of crates where one of them has now moved.. revealing a trap door with a key.

  18. #18
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: Cal-i-for-NI-a
    i just love how helpful everyone always is on this forum!!!

    BTW...anyonw know how to
    open what looks like a safe behind the generator thingie in the laboratory?

  19. #19
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: BREM, WA



    saw it, but never did get it open.

    made you l(O)(O)k

  20. #20
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: Cal-i-for-NI-a
    Quote Originally Posted by dealasteal

    saw it, but never did get it open.

    made you l(O)(O)k

    yup...ya did!

  21. #21
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: Cal-i-for-NI-a
    so...i only got 3
    out of nine secrets


    found a room with a gold skeleton all spreadeagled that acted like it needed a key...which i could not figure out....


    no fair...the spiders came to life!

  22. #22
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Franconia, Germany
    to open the safe: search the legs of the desk nearby

    to find some other secrets: examine room with animated lamps

    anyone knows, how to "open" that golden skull ?

  23. #23
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: Cal-i-for-NI-a
    Quote Originally Posted by UliB
    to open the safe: search the legs of the desk nearby there is not desk....just a long table that i am not finding anything for

    to find some other secrets: examine room with animated lamps

    anyone knows, how to "open" that golden skull ?
    i could not open it...sorry no help here!

  24. #24
    Gone, but never forgotten
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: France
    This fm is in the course of translation in English and is going to go out soon in English also, it was made for my birthday.

    Eh, yes I loathe spiders

    Louve is on holidays for the moment

  25. #25
    Registered: May 2001
    Location: earth?
    the golden skull:
    is just a book really

    i had to cheat in dromed with this one (but very nice nonetheless!)

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