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Thread: ULTRASPOILERS: How was TCP to have unfolded?

  1. #126
    No! NO! KG is scary enough as abstract text representation. God knows what he'd be like as an actual character...

    *scampers away*

  2. #127
    New Member
    Registered: Jun 2005
    I'm taking English Literature along with sciences and maths (maybe Music), I would like to improve my writing abilities but I'm not really looking for a career in writing.

    Just wondering, KG, how highly do you rate DX and was it a big influence on how or perhaps why you created the mod. The tone of Cassandra was so far detached from what you'd expect in a DX mod, it deserves a well done actually as it really felt like a completely different experience.
    Is DX one of your favourite games, I read you article describing a situation in Vampires: TM, and some other pieces where you would make comments like "of course it’s no Deus Ex" or equivalent but I never read anything about Deus Ex from you, in fact in the 100 Top games issue you were slating it.

  3. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Dumb_lunatic
    No! NO! KG is scary enough as abstract text representation. God knows what he'd be like as an actual character...

    *scampers away*
    I thought I responded to this, must have been on the laptop, the damn thing has been crashing like crazy.

    If you think he’s scary enough as an abstract text representation why not carry it over into the mod? Jonas has great respect for him, rightfully so, and is currently working on in game text. At least when I asked how I could help that’s what he told me to write.

    An email here, a datacube there, he could permeate the world without setting foot in it.

  4. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by Ozzy Osman
    I'm taking English Literature along with sciences and maths (maybe Music), I would like to improve my writing abilities but I'm not really looking for a career in writing.
    No sane person is looking for a career in writing, I’m a novelist (the beauty of that statement is that it is both true and misleading) and I’m not looking for a career.

    I figure I’ll end up being the best Math/English Professor in a local school, preferably college but the high school isn’t all that bad either.

    No one I know is looking for a career. Hoping for one, praying for one, even making one, no one is looking. Everyone needs “real” jobs.

  5. #130
    Registered: Sep 2004
    ...but I never read anything about Deus Ex from you, in fact in the 100 Top games issue you were slating it.
    Then you should read KG's original review of it (and it is a great piece of writing anyway)

  6. #131
    New Member
    Registered: Jun 2005
    I've read the review, I never knew it was KG that reviewed Deus Ex for PCGamer, very nice review; I've noticed in all of your reviews there is quite little game detail, usually just enough, and the tone is usually...pretentious.

    Don't mind too much though, I found myself reading everything on that website, actually sometimes its quite hard to follow as there are so many clauses and sidenotes

    Are you not officially a member of the PCGamer staff? Is that why your not always on the staff photos; Is that what freelancs means, you just write an article and they pay to have it in their mag?

    P.S I've been asking around for recomendations on good books, know of any?

  7. #132
    Registered: Jul 2003
    Location: Denmark

    *Wonders how the Hell TNM ended up being mentioned in the TCP forums*

    Kieron is actually already sort of in TNM. And then... not quite. I've been wondering how much I can say on this topic without spoilering important plot-points, but I figured it'll be easier to just not say anything at all about it and avoid the risk altogether.

    The only thing I want from Kieron is 6 of the decoration models from TCP, but he can't give me that, heh. And Kieron, if you read this, 58 hasn't responded yet

    Oh I have an idea... can I use your DX review in TNM, Kieron?

  8. #133
    Registered: Aug 1999
    Location: Bath, England.
    God, I know this thread is years old but there's stuff I never answered. Will do so now...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ozzy Osman View Post
    Just wondering, KG, how highly do you rate DX and was it a big influence on how or perhaps why you created the mod. The tone of Cassandra was so far detached from what you'd expect in a DX mod, it deserves a well done actually as it really felt like a completely different experience.
    DX is one of my favourite games, and a big iconic thing inside my head, even after all these years. It's the only game I ever made a mod for, which says much.

    That said, it's funny you say you felt Cassandra felt very different to DX - it was kind of conceived to be very much from the same starting place. Basically, organisation, missions, uncovering conspiracies... this is what DX is made of. Even the actual staff of the project can map, almost completely, onto the staff of UNATCO. The computer geek. The doctor. The crazy psycho killer woman. The Boss.

    Of course, we changed bloody everything about how we did it. It was more how I would have made Deus Ex, and some of the stuff was openly me being scornful of the way Deus Ex did it (Compare Cass' Anna to Anna Navere from DX, for example).


  9. #134
    Registered: Jul 2011
    Location: Surrogating in Ford Schick
    Where we ever going to learn Cassandra's real name?

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