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Thread: The basketball shot - it just ain't possible!

  1. #1
    Registered: Aug 2004

    The basketball shot - it just ain't possible!

    I've heard several people asking if anything happens should you be able to make the extrememly difficult basketball shot. Apparently, nobody claimed that they had been able to make the shot, despite assurances from someone on the TCP team that it was possible.

    I'm here today to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that it simply isn't!

    It took a looooooooooooong time, and a few reloads (the ball kept disappearing ), but at long last I managed to make the shot - twice!

    But on both occasions, what happened? The ball went where it was meant to, almost dead centre, but it just didn't go down. Instead, it stops - hovers, if you will, as if some invisible wall prevents it from entering the hoop.

    To back-up my claim, here are 4 caps I took of the offending event. (I apologise that they're a little dark, but you should still be able to clearly make things out. I could've made them a bit lighter, but the pic quality would've seriously begun to deteriorate).

    So what's the deal here man? Someone mind filling me in?

  2. #2
    Registered: Feb 2001
    Location: Cumbria, England
    Maybe that's the 'joke'.

  3. #3
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: The North, UK
    Ah. Yes, well.

    That the joke, absolutely. Well done that man. Ahem.

    Seriously though, it looks like the trigger that the ball should pass through has somehow been set as solid, so the ball is just bouncing off it. Maybe.

    Wierd. I would go in and have a look, but DX and the SDK dont work on modern computers, so I dont have them on my machine anymore.

  4. #4
    Registered: Aug 1999
    Location: Bath, England.



  5. #5
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: The North, UK
    Honestly, I thought it was possible. However, when I said that, it was a theoretical statement, I had no empirical evidence to back it up.

    All I did was copy and paste the damn thing from hells kitchen, I didnt see any reason why it wouldnt work.

  6. #6
    Registered: Aug 1999
    Location: Bath, England.
    Excellent - we can re-use our traditional "Blame Ion Storm for being rubbish" excuse too.


  7. #7
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by colcobb View Post
    Honestly, I thought it was possible. However, when I said that, it was a theoretical statement, I had no empirical evidence to back it up.

    All I did was copy and paste the damn thing from hells kitchen, I didnt see any reason why it wouldnt work.

    It worked in Hell's Kitchen, though....

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