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Thread: T2 FM: A Thief's Holiday 2004 * UPDATED Dec 2013

  1. #1
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum

    T2 FM: A Thief's Holiday 2004 * UPDATED Dec 2013

    After a month of work - more time than it took me to make the original - this upgrade is ready.

    1. Objectives that are set up in a to-do list format
    2. New custom junk from Sluggs, Gort, and me (plus what I included last year)
    3. A victrola that actually works like a real one - you can change out records whenever you want
    4. Snowballs that you can throw and splat against walls and objects
    5. A camvator-style outro that shows what happens when you get done with your tasks
    6. A particularly challenging Expert difficulty
    7. Customized endgame stats (which are pretty meaningless, but what the hell) - thanks to R Soul
    8. INCLUDED - free of charge - a spoilerized Cheat Sheet you can open in a web browser

    Thanks to the beta testers who did great as usual:
    Dafydd, Freddy Fox, Nightwalker, Peter Smith, and Ponterbee

    You can get it from Thiefmissions here.

    Happy Holidays, you taffers!

    And shame on the 1 person who went fishing and downloaded it before it was announced...

    Update Dec 21, 2013
    An update to this mission is available!
    Download from Darkfate
    Download from TaffersParadise

    The mission now requires NewDark, so v1.19 or higher is required, and v1.21 is recommended. Besides 32-bit lightmaps and updated scripts, the only other changes are minor and cosmetic. Gameplay and location of items is unchanged.
    Last edited by Yandros; 5th Jan 2020 at 16:04. Reason: Fixing links

  2. #2
    Registered: Dec 2003
    Location: Colorado
    Awesome, Thanks Yandros

  3. #3
    Registered: Aug 2004
    Location: milton keynes ( UK )

    YEA PARTY !!!! LOL

  4. #4
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Location: Sulphur, Louisiana, USA

  5. #5
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    Is it out ye...!! I mean, YEAHHHH!!!

  6. #6
    Registered: Apr 2002
    Location: Franconia, Germany
    Yahoo, great news. Thanks a lot, Yandros and a merry xmas to all FM-makers and fans.

    DLing now...(#38)

    Uli B.

  7. #7
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: The Crippled Burrick

    Congrats Yandros...and thanks for taking the time to run through my little diddy while trying to get your own project out the door.

  8. #8
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: 28245 Cells

  9. #9
    Registered: Jun 2004
    Location: black people
    Ah, it's an absolute blast. I especially love the working victrola, and being able to select your own music. Very charming, very peaceful.

    Great job, Yandros!

  10. #10

    Small problem (maybe) on hard difficulty:
    I can't seem to frob the key in the clock. Is there some trick to it? Leaning, crouching, etc. don't seem to help.

  11. #11
    Registered: Apr 1999
    Location: Portland, OR USA
    Absolutely lovely - thank you!

    Query out of curiosity: One expert:

    In the hint file, you say that you don't need the rope arrow on expert. But I never found a non-rope arrow way to get to the roof - is there a climbable tree somewhere that I missed?


    The stats page mentioned a ton of loot (well over 2,000) - I assume that's just an error or did I miss a giant easter egg somewhere?


  12. #12
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    I humbly ask that no one else download it - I left a file out of the ZIP, and one file is also the wrong version (the one that controls the endgame stats). I'll have a new one to Jason by early tomorrow (if not tonight).

    I broke the #1 rule - don't change anything after the testers are done!


  13. #13
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    I found everything on expert w/o going to the cheat-sheet!!
    and it only took 1 hour and 48 minutes to do it :/

    I can't believe the last thing I found was one of the
    paintings, the largest thing you have to find, this one behind the bookcase

    little problem for me: the song God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen doesn't play for me, but the other 5 play just fine. Nothing happens, it's just silent.

    My guess on the loot is that the un-frobbable loot in G's aprt. counts towards it, but since you can't frob it, it's just a bug. Am I wrong. Yandros??

    This was incredibly fun and festive, particularly getting to meet
    all of G's thief buddies at the end


    Edit: So will the new version take care of these things?
    Last edited by demagogue; 15th Dec 2004 at 22:34.

  14. #14

    Registered: Mar 2001
    Location: Houston, Tx., USA
    I just got back from Norwegian class and saw Yanros' request to disable downloads until the missing file problem can be fixed. I've done so, and will re-enable things as soon as I have a fixed file.

  15. #15
    Registered: Apr 2003
    Location: arizona
    Demagogue- you found all 5 cookies on Expert?!? Congratulations, you broke my record of 4!

    The paintings were gorgeous BTW, and I loved the hiding places for them.

  16. #16
    Registered: Jun 2004
    Location: Angel Watch
    A truely wonderful follow up to to last years Thief Holiday. Its always nice to have a peacful mission that dosen't involve dark sneaking and back stabbing and whatnot . Great job!

  17. #17
    Registered: Jul 2002
    Location: Ontario, Canada
    i downloaded just this afternoon,

    on normal the victorola wouldnt play the records, roof was a little hard to get on in spots. expert the one cookie
    vanished if i came from the sides as your close, but back off a bit to the right and you can grab it without it vanishing.
    although expert was a great and excellent challenge. oh aand i did manage to get stuck when going close to walls and counters, but nothing a little jump couldnt correct.

    excellent job yandros, keep it up, cant wait for your next mission.

  18. #18
    Registered: May 2002
    Location: USA
    My keyboard has coca cola in it. I have to copy and paste to make my post. I'll download it when I get a new keyboard.

  19. #19
    Registered: May 2003
    Location: Hesse

    i hate my provider!

  20. #20
    I Cannot Read Instructions
    Registered: Aug 2004
    Location: Behind you

    I'll scurry off to Thiefmissions and download it now.

    Edit -- didn't read the thread before posting this

  21. #21
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Quote Originally Posted by Melissa
    Absolutely lovely - thank you!

    Query out of curiosity: One expert:

    In the hint file, you say that you don't need the rope arrow on expert. But I never found a non-rope arrow way to get to the roof - is there a climbable tree somewhere that I missed?


    The stats page mentioned a ton of loot (well over 2,000) - I assume that's just an error or did I miss a giant easter egg somewhere?

    The loot total for this mission is zero. The fixed ZIP file will reflect that in the endgame stats. As for the roof:
    You can get on the roof without roping. The smallish tree at the corner of the house by the front porch isn't climbable, but you can jump onto the top of it from the porch railing, and from there mantle onto the roof.

  22. #22
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Quote Originally Posted by wild_inferno9
    on normal the victorola wouldnt play the records
    One of the records ("God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen") won't play because the WAV file for it is missing from the ZIP. That will be fixed later this morning when I can get the fixed version to Jason.

  23. #23

  24. #24
    Desperately Dodgy Moderator
    Registered: Nov 2001
    Location: Bohn Museum
    Here's specifically what's changed in v2.1:
    1. The missing WAV file for "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" is now there.
    2. The version of debrief.str, in the \intrface folder, is now correct. This will restrict the debriefing stats to only what I originally intended.

    In short, it's not absolutely necessary to download the new version unless you just want to. My apologies to everyone for the goof... I know how the debrief.str issue happened (I got it working just before release and forgot to put the latest version in the ZIP), but have no idea how the WAV file disappeared. Just a general quirk of the universe or something I guess.

    One of these years I'm going to release a mission and get it right the first time.

  25. #25
    Registered: Apr 2001
    Location: U.K.
    Great fun mission Yandros

    I loved the Christmas tree lights and the new objects were amazing.


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