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Thread: FM Help - JIS level "Hell Chapter 2: The Lost Age"

  1. #1
    Registered: Dec 2003
    Location: Texas

    FM Help - JIS level "Hell Chapter 2: The Lost Age"

    I know JIS levels are notoriously difficult and often incomplete . . . but I always like to know whether or not I've gotten as far as I can.

    Has anyone played this mission? I got quite a ways into it, and in the end I got into a crawlspace made of metal (with a spider at the entrance). When I reached the end, there was a small room with a manhole (the kind that say "drain" on them) that I apparently could not operate - and a window that looked out on the stars. I looked around for a switch but with no luck. Sound familiar to anyone?

    The only onjective for this mission is:

    "Find an infernal exit."

  2. #2
    Registered: Mar 2004
    Location: Sweden
    Hi there!

    I've played every JIS mission, and I know they are VERY frustrating and difficult. I came quite far in this mission, but somewhere I got stuck. This is just like AMIDA, if you have played that one. I don't know if Hell 2 can be completed, but probably it can be, but nobody knows how. I'm sorry that I can't help you, even though I've completed nearly all of the JIS missions, (even AMIDA).

    The objective may sound a bit strange, but I know JIS quite well and that he doesn't speak english. He is using a translator and that's why he's objectives may sound a bit weird sometimes

    I've used the search function and read older threads for answers, but I haven't found anything
    I'm afraid nobody knows I guess this will always be a mystery
    θ ĵ ķ V @ § κ Ę ® ñ

  3. #3
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    You know, I couldn't translate the objectives from JIS's FMs where he already tried to translate them himself. There was nothing to translate.

    It has occured to me, though, that it might be a good idea to re-translate them for reasons just like this. Even though you get the idea, something is, well, lost in translation.

    This would mean I need to go to one of the Japnse FM sites and d/l the missions from there.

    I don't have any time right now, but I'll keep it in the back of my mind to do.

    (Also, I probably don't have to tell you that understanding the objectives better may be no help to completing the mission. But it couldn't hurt.)

  4. #4
    Registered: Dec 2003
    Location: Texas
    Poj - you didn't mean to imply that you actually finished all the objectives in AMIDA do you?

    As for Hell 2 - I found an old thread about it and everyone seemed to imply that jumping into the manhole in the courtyard that lead to an underwater dead-end should end the mission - which I have done, but not had the mission end. So, I guess I'll go home and try a few more things on it.

  5. #5
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Greece
    Ah, that's a wonderful mission. I cannot understand where you are but i do remember that if you drop into the manhole at the center of the courtyard the mission will end, it should work.

    On second thought, i believe that if that was on top of a secret passage, that it was not possible to ascend the stairs and get out from the manhole (you couldn't quite reach it), rather than you could only descend from it. I just had a look at some screens i took from that mission. Is this where you are?
    Last edited by aville; 1st Feb 2005 at 21:05.

  6. #6
    Registered: Dec 2003
    Location: Texas
    Yes - that was where I had gotten to - and I thought it was the ending, but I could never figure out how to open the manhole cover. The other manhole, in the courtyard just outside of this room, is the one I believe everyone says is the exit. Is it? Like, if you left the room in that screenshot, and went back down the metal hallway out the window, there is a courtyard and an open manhole with a short waterway.

    I went in that waterway, but the mission does not end. I read that others had a similar problem with the mission not ending. Do you have to have done something else first? I have all four keys, and aside from the closed cover in the room in your screenshot, and another closed cover under the stairs in the mansion (there were two under both sets of stairs, I opened the one that had the lock-box, but the other is still closed) - aside from these, I can't think of any other door or room that is blocked to me.

    Do I have a bug? I'm playing off of the release version of Thief Gold, with the Convict patch, and the optimization from Darkloader. I don't think there are any other patches I haven't already installed.

  7. #7
    Registered: Mar 2004
    Location: Sweden

    Quote Originally Posted by taffedinthehead
    Poj - you didn't mean to imply that you actually finished all the objectives in AMIDA do you?
    Well, I haven't done that yet, because my Thief Gold doesn't work for the moment (unknown reason).

    But I know what to do with all the six objectives though
    Last edited by pojkvaskern; 2nd Feb 2005 at 17:51.

  8. #8
    Registered: Dec 2003
    Location: Texas
    What do you do for Objectives 3-5? I've seen the naughty translations by Demagogue - but how do you actually acheive them?

  9. #9
    Registered: Mar 2004
    Location: Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by taffedinthehead
    What do you do for Objectives 3-5? I've seen the naughty translations by Demagogue - but how do you actually acheive them?
    Yes, I read them also.
    Have you tried blackjacking the bugbeasts, instead of killing them? That should do it...

  10. #10
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    For the record, 'blackjacking the bugbeasts' was a total guess on my part.

    I tried myself to bj them and, especially the bug-spitting one, it's practically impossible to get that close.

    So maybe you do have to kill them? It wouldn't be so unexpected. But I haven't tried that yet.

    Maybe you are supposed to bj/kill them and carry them to a certain place in order to, ermm....

    Or maybe there's just a flat-out bug that won't let you finish it.

    Or maybe I should just email JIS--or TACO, or Keeper, one of the other Japnse Thief regulars--and ask directly.

  11. #11
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Greece
    Ok, let me get a few things straight for both missions.

    "Hell Chapter 2": taffedinthehead, you are correct, that is not the end of the mission (the hole pictured in my screenshot). The correct exit is the big hole outside in the courtyard. Once you jump in it and swim a bit, the game WILL end (so that takes care of the other thread as well, the mission's fine, it most certainly can be finished, if you can't make it to end you are probably in the wrong room or a miracle has happened ) Now, about the small "Drain" cover, what i told you in my previous post proved to be correct (had a looksie today just to be on the safe side and finished the mission as well). You cannot open it and descend, its a dead end. There is a button underneath it which opens it so that means you have to open it from the secret passage underneath. I don't know if you did find the secret passage or you did but didn't see the small button but i'll give you a hint:

    Can you remember a room with a dead man dressed in blue/purple close to a fire? If you search the walls in that room you will find a panel. Frob it and you will find a small passage, which is right under the manhole

    As for "Amida", i remember very well those threads about the meaning of the objectives. I too could not complete all of them so if it can be completed, i'd be VERY interested to know how. For the record, i had tried back then to blackjack the bugbeasts. It is tricky but possible, yet it didn't seem to complete any objective. Here's a screenie of the ladies sleeping As always, saves can be provided upon request

  12. #12
    Registered: Dec 2003
    Location: Texas
    I must have a bug then - I jumped in that dang sewer 10 times and it never ended! I wonder if I have to get through that secret passage first? Maybe it doesn't end till all the doors and manholes in the level have been opened?

  13. #13
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Location: Greece
    I don't think so, i tested that a few minutes ago just to see if it would end and it did. All i had to do was jump inside, swim right to the end and wait a second or two (there are no "objective complete" messages like in T2 so you got to do that "blind" and wait a bit for the "success" screen to kick in). If it doesn't work for you, i could give you a final save just to see if there's sth wrong with your game.

    EDIT: Here's a save,

    load it (looks familiar eh? ) go outside and have a go.
    Last edited by aville; 3rd Feb 2005 at 19:14.

  14. #14
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    Quote Originally Posted by aville
    i had tried back then to blackjack the bugbeasts. It is tricky but possible, yet it didn't seem to complete any objective. Here's a screenie of the ladies sleeping
    Oh, well there you go. I'm at a total loss on this then.
    Anyone kill them?

  15. #15
    Registered: Mar 2004
    Location: Sweden
    I'm so sorry that I told you it can be completed!
    It has a bug, as you can read above

    Taff on!

  16. #16
    Registered: Dec 2003
    Location: Texas
    Well, I re-installed some of the custome scripts - I also found a few rooms I had not visited before, including the one with the jumbled-up lady in the fireplace that had three switches next to it. Either the scripts or throwing the switches allowed me to end the game after jumping in the water at the end. Thanks for all the suggestions!

  17. #17
    Registered: May 2005
    Yes! Managed to complete this without hints in 1 hour 40 minutes and 30 seconds. Just when I was wondering if I was totally, hopelessly stuck, I found myself wandering into the courtyard again, with the now open manhole in the middle.

    The mission is unfinished but playable. The atmosphere is oppressive: The floors are littered with corpses and debris. There are many deadends. You can never be sure if you missed a switch for a door somewhere or if you ended up in another deadend. Some rooms have rough edges or graphics glitches. There is no loot. The one readable book I came across contained only the word „TEST“.

    I initially thought I would see only haunts, apparitions and undead Hammerites. Later on I encountered a „squished“ Ramirez, a „squished“ female noble in a fireplace, a female ghost servant, and three prisoners behind bars.

    Here is a list of everything I managed to pick up in the mission:
    4 water arrows
    2 rope arrows
    4 different keys
    2 healing potions
    2 speed potions
    1 flashbomb
    1 healing fruit
    6 breads
    1 carrot
    7 wedges of cheese

  18. #18
    Registered: May 2008
    Location: Southern,California
    i also replayed all bigger jis missions and had a great time,most obscure objective i can think of for one missions was after knocking out 2 human guards with ape voices you have to drop them both in the lava pool below to continue mission

    over all fun missions a lot of things are not used in missions that can confuse people ,so when i do i jis mission i always say go as far as you can then back track/rinse repeat

  19. #19
    Registered: Oct 2012
    IIRC the book TEST is the book the door giving you access to the factory area where the lever is that opens the sewer hatch. I don’t know what you mean by the mission is not finished, JIS often made missions with little loot, few AI’s and many empty rooms, but Hells Chapter 2 is finishable, the mission ends normally once you enter the sewers, as you did.
    Last edited by fortuni; 28th Jun 2019 at 03:24.

  20. #20
    Registered: May 2005
    I assumed the mission is not finished because the file is named "", because all difficulty levels read "DEMO" and because the one readable book in the mission contains only the word "TEST".

  21. #21
    Registered: Oct 2012
    You may well be right, JIS never joined the community here, Epithumia came across his missions on a Japanese website many years ago and got his permission to host his missions on Thief missions, but JIS didn't speak English which explains why a lot of his missions had blank pages, or very little written test in his books, and seeing there was no English/Japanese translator available he often removed the Japanese text beforehand.

  22. #22
    Registered: May 2005
    I am glad Epithumia saved these missions. JIS has an interesting style and I enjoy his creations for being a bit different. If versions with readable books in Japanese exist, I would love to try them.

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