Holy honk it's here! Big thanks to Alex, Jordan, Paul, Scott, David, GBM, Ulukai et al! Goodbye job and life! It's T3Ed! Whoohoo!
uhh, all those things seems to come out too fast for my poory heart.
I look everywhere in the forums : the editor guilds and fan missions don't understading why i was so lonely until i realized that a new shiny forum was opened for T3 editor.
we are goin to live some incredible times !!
Holy honk it's here! Big thanks to Alex, Jordan, Paul, Scott, David, GBM, Ulukai et al! Goodbye job and life! It's T3Ed! Whoohoo!
Equilibrium 2 plz.
Enjoy, everyone.
The Thief legacy is yours to carry on, now.
You've earned it.
Thanks for everything null. Stick around, have a drink, do an FM . . .
I'd like to thank absolutely EVERYONE involved with getting the editor out of the door and into our grubby little mitts. I want you to enjoy the same warm, fuzzy feeling you would get from giving orphans Christmas presents because I believe the levels of gratitude are on such a par.
Don't forget Purah \o/Originally Posted by Subjective Effect
(here's to hoping he gets a chance to take a break from game developing to check out T3Ed, and hopefully make something in it)
It was always ours, damn it. You stole it, you Ion Storm taffers! We'd never have been able to live it down as honorable thieves and cutthroats if we weren't able to steal it backOriginally Posted by null
Seriously, you're one of the respected elders now! We're going to have to start calling you 'Lord Jordan', just like Donol and Reuben, the taffers...
Welcome to the Thieves' Guild
Goddammit!!! And I just recovered from the last four years that were sucked out of my life.
I bought a house, I've got responsibilities... and you freakin' people dump another Thief Editor on me. "Wicked" and "vile" don't even begin to describe you people.
So, where do I begin? :slavering like a dog icon:
Seriously though, you guys did a wonderful job bringing this to the public. We really do appreciate it.
Great news. I'm one of the 'ninja's' around these parts and i've been waiting for this news. I expect many great user missions to be made
Thanks all who have made this possible!
Best news I've heard in a long time! Thanks to everyone who made this happen. While I never released anything with DromED i'll have to give level design another go with the new editor!
First post in the new forum. Thanks to everybody involved in getting us the editor! This is how people must have felt when DromEd for Thief 1 was finally released
Blargh, don't even joke about that! Go make a map or something!Originally Posted by deadman
Heh, the taffer's blushing! Look everyone! *cajolery and laughter all about the guildhall*Originally Posted by null
*null glares*
Erm, err, maybe I shouldn't have said that. Hope I still get this month's cut? Alright, alright... I'm off to the arches to pay tribute to 'Lord Jordan'. Guess it'll have to be extra now
Downwinder Deadman.
To everybody who helped this become reality :
Thank you.
I think that about sums it up
excellent news.
Thankfully, no one pays that much attention to my posts, but I thought it appropriate to say that I'm dining on fine crow right about now. Yes..I'm admitting I was wrong.
I did sign the petition many moons ago, but as time pressed on, I became less convinced that this SDK would ever see the light of day, even after Null's post.
It remains to be seen what real benefit this editor will have, but, after playing a slew of T1 and 2 FM's, I'm convinced that the future T3ED FM's will be pro grade and I look forward to playing them.
Thanks, T3 crew, for showing you still appreciate the fans of the series. This was definitely above and beyond the call of duty, given everything that has transpired in the past year.
There is a sudden perceptual realignment on the horizon...perhaps I've been too pessimistic all these years...
Thanks again. Good luck to the Ex-Ion crew in all of your future endeavors.
I'll add a thousand "thank-yous" to the chorus. After Ion closed, I didn't have much hope the editor would get out. Thank you to all the devs and testers who did this on company time and their own. Your labor of love will not be wasted.
Originally Posted by TrimfectAll Hail FM Builder #1 Welcome back sir - we missed ya!Originally posted by Subjective Effect
Dudes, it's Trimfect. Hey Trimfect \o Welcome back. Now where is Mokkis?
Wasn't GATB (Gathering at the Bar) the very first FM? Man, that was a long time ago....
Just when I was getting used to that bright ball in the sky and mingling with humans......now I will have to retreat back to my cold dark den and hibernate once more
Well, it looks like I'm going to have to buy thief 3 now... AND a video card that can play it ... Actually, I'm very excited! Now I just have to convince my wife that it's in the budget
Nice work everyone! Special thanks to the petition leaders, etc. All those hairs you pulled out in the past year can now be reattached to a dynamic mesh of your head...
hahaOriginally Posted by Subjective Effect
I'm right here behind
Must be my first post since late 2003 or something. Anyways, I'm so glad to see this happen. Gotta try something creative wiht the editor. Gladly I should know the basics of UED so there is a little chance to see some stuff from me. The fact is, to be honest, that I'm awfully busy with my life. Haven't even finished the game yet. This is however so big news that I need to see the editor right away.
Like others, when ION went under, I feared that the editor was with Davey Jones Now... This is wonderful! Dromed, while versitiles was just a tiny bit restrictive. (and the understatement of the week prize goes to...)
Yup, ditto. Cheers to everyone who got this off the ground!
And good luck to all you map-makers trying to tame this new wild beast.
Oh my, this makes my day! My weekend! My Month! My Year!
Thanks to everyone that made this possible. I look forward to playing wonderful creations we'll be seeing over the years!