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Thread: Thanks and Hello

  1. #76
    Registered: Jun 2004


    Let it be know that MAXIMIUS, formerly ALEXDAGREAT, formerly of TEAM FORTRESS CLASSIC fame and erstwhile THIEF SERIES fan, has successfully built his first ROOM in T3ED! But not content with this triumph, MAXIMIUS has driven forward, irregardless of obstacles, despite legions of foes, to claim even greater glories! Tremble at the name of he who has wrought a
    with his mighty hands!

    MAXIMIUS did not stand alone in these struggles, however. Let paens and praise be heaped upon the jeweled crest of KOMAG, He who reveals the Builders ways! Let a thousand lights rest upon the brow of MOGHEDIAN, He who sent MAXIMIUS the T3ED CD-R, gratis! Let the team at EIDOS and ION STORM who made the editor possible assume their rightful place in the pantheon of the Citys saints! A new era of gaming awaits us all!

  2. #77
    Registered: Oct 2004
    Location: Italy
    For ever GRATEFUL to WHO made the EDITOR POSSIBLE!!!

  3. #78
    Registered: Jan 2005
    Location: Kouvola, Finland
    I can't believe I missed this. Serves me right for be such a spammer.

    Thank you from a dude who's been hooked since '98. It's been fun.

    All these veterans

  4. #79
    Registered: Oct 2001
    Location: Minnesota, USA


    to all the praises and thank yous already presented. Go go go go go!! Get building dammit!

  5. #80
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: Scotland
    Just a quick mention that Scott Holbert aka Grey Mouser has now left Eidos. If it wasn't for this fine feline fellow, this chapter of the Thief annals would never have existed.

    Mr Holbert... we salute you! May health, wealth and happiness follow your every move.

  6. #81
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Sheffield, UK
    Oh my god I can't believe I just spotted this forum

    I've decided to build my very first FM and have been working through KOMAG's excellent tutorial and getting steadily more depressed at my lack of talent and the amount of work I've promised to myself, and knowing this place exists has just lightened my heart considerably

    Thank you all

  7. #82
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2004
    Location: Palatine, IL, USA


    Hello and Thank you.
    Great job getting us this editor.
    I have been doing things with Komag's tutorial, and have started on a cool map to just run around in. Based on deck plans from the Titanic.
    For some reason I like to build RL type things.
    All my old(bad)habits from DromEd are still present so I hope to work those out before I do anything serious.
    I made a comment to my co-worker yesterday that I'll only be coming to work in my "spare time".
    He thought that was funny, I don't think he realizes I am serious.
    T3Ed has taken over

    Thanks again.

    (btw, how do I insert an image?)

  8. #83
    Registered: Mar 1999
    Location: California, USA
    I'm amazed. I just found out the news. I don't even know where my T3 disks are at this point.

  9. #84
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: NeoTokyo
    Wow ... oldschoolers coming out of the woodwork.
    Are you thinking about making a T3 FM kfgecko?

  10. #85
    Registered: Mar 1999
    Location: California, USA
    After playing T3, I didn't get the feeling an editor was coming out. When I learned Ion Storm had closed down, I had given up hope. I think I did sign the petition, but didn't think about it till now. Thanks to all for pushiing this through!

    I have a 2 year old now and don't even have time to play games at all. But if I ever did anything, Creature Clash 3 would be first.

  11. #86
    What a nice little trip down memory lane this has been.

    15 years ago. Wow.

    Just... wow.

  12. #87
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: Scotland
    'Sup dude. Nearly 16!

  13. #88
    Shame nothing really came of it. Not like for T1 and 2. I rather think TDM turned out okay though, not that I play it.

  14. #89
    Registered: Apr 2000
    Location: Not France
    There was a 12 mission campaign released only 2 weeks ago.

  15. #90
    That's 15 years later.

    On release there wasn't as much activity as there was with DromEd. T1 and 2 had 300+ missions by 2005, and a lot of very, very good ones.

    I don't recall the T3 editor generating anything like that.

  16. #91
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: Scotland
    I suppose the facts are that T3 wasn't as good a game as T1/T2 (duh!), and the engine/editor suffered from performance and functionality restrictions. Thanks though Brethren - think I'll make a point of reinstalling and checking out that campaign.

  17. #92
    Please excuse me if I am writing off-topic, but I wanted to say that I am very happy to join your forum. I will be glad to communicate together!

  18. #93
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2021
    Location: New York

    Thank you all!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gingerbread Man View Post
    Due to a strong campaign spearheaded by GlasWolf, signatures and support from thousands of fans, tremendous effort from Alex Duran / Jordan Thomas / Paul Weaver from Ion Storm, bughunting and playtesting by Ulukai / David / myself, and an effective though unsung Fifth Column at Eidos by the name of Scott Holbert, we are finally gifted with the tools necessary to create FMs for the third game in our beloved Thief series.

    During our time working with various incarnations of the editing tools, Dave, Ulukai, and myself (with significant support from Alex Duran in particular) have assembled this small collection of beginner information.

    Please note that we have not gone into detail on basic UEd-related stuff. UnrealEd's fundamentals aren't that difficult, and tutorials are easily found on many editing sites (many resources are linked in a sticky in our own UEd forum)



    Thank you all, guys!

  19. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by Danema View Post
    Thank you all, guys!
    What are your hobbies?

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