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Thread: What are you working on RIGHT NOW? - Community WIP thread

  1. #101
    Registered: Oct 2002
    Location: Germany
    Mh... nothing special:

    Edit: Done, Eshaktaar
    Last edited by Pistole2k; 5th Mar 2005 at 14:17.

  2. #102
    Looking good. You might want to scale the screenshot down to 640x480 or put a link to it instead, though. David will do it for you otherwise.

  3. #103
    Irrational Games
    Registered: Feb 2005
    Rosd, that's looking pretty sweet! ReapMyster, I agree that it could potentially enhance things, but I only want to do it if I can find a way to make it distant. I can see it working if it lit up a part of the sky on the horizon, with the occasional distant rumble, but lightning that lights everything up would be too immediate and abrupt for the mood I hope to create.

    If you're serious about sound production, I may actually take you up on that in the future.

  4. #104
    Registered: Jul 2004
    "..but lightning that lights everything up would be too immediate and abrupt for the mood I hope to create."

    makes sense to me

    and yes im pretty keen on doing some soundwork, whether it be producing sounds / music or just cleaning them up

    if you want any examples of stuff ive worked on just pm me some details or somethin

  5. #105
    Registered: Jun 2004
    Location: Angel Watch
    I'm just working on a house, just to mess around and get familiar with the editor before trying anything remotely ambitious.

  6. #106
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: Cleveland, OH
    Whee! I made something

    If clicking the link doesn't work, copy+paste it.

  7. #107
    Here's the map I'm working on. I keep changing my mind about what it's going to really be, but I think the large building (the one you can enter) is going to be a hospital. Anyone know how I can add a nice red glow to the hammer in the entrance?

  8. #108
    Registered: Mar 2005
    doctormidnight, if you want to give the hammer a nice red glow add a light in front of it, and add the Lighting properties LightColor, LightShape, and FleshLightType. Now, change the lights color to red, bump the light's radius down and change the FleshLightType to FL_AmbientVertex. The light you'll make will hardly affect the walls, but any static meshes in it's radius will be a bright red.

  9. #109
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland
    Here's some screenshot of the location I am currently working on (not finished):

  10. #110
    Registered: Jun 2003
    While you've been working with water, I paid some attention to fire. Now I have my own fire elemental. It's made of fire (duh), looks a bit humanoidal (but only a bit), makes fiery noises, and has its own source of light, which becomes brighter, when elemental is angry. It doesn't throw fireballs, but you better don't get close, 'cause it deals a lot of damage to anyone it touches. A good thief can kill it with just two water arrows... if he can live long enough to launch them.

  11. #111
    Great looking skybox, Bukary.

    *drools* at mention of old-school foes (fire elemental).

  12. #112
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Nice looking skybox Bukary! Looks like it was worth all the extra work with those emitters in the end. I can't wait to see that in action. Zillameth, any chance you can show us your fire elemental? It sounds awesome. Just imagine one of those walking through the door of the room your in and lighting up your cover, or having to hide behind a column and stay out of it's light when it walks by.

  13. #113
    Moderator and Priest
    Registered: Mar 2002
    Location: Dinosaur Ladies of the Night
    That is pretty damn impressive, Buk. I like it.

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by Rosd
    doctormidnight, if you want to give the hammer a nice red glow add a light in front of it, and add the Lighting properties LightColor, LightShape, and FleshLightType. Now, change the lights color to red, bump the light's radius down and change the FleshLightType to FL_AmbientVertex. The light you'll make will hardly affect the walls, but any static meshes in it's radius will be a bright red.

    I finally got around to fooling with this, almost have it the way I want it. I'm gonna go back and make the ones on the outside of the building a tad dimmer. Don't know why I liked the hammers upside down. Hey maybe there's a new Hammerite faction setting up shop! Images below linked for size

  15. #115
    Registered: Mar 2004
    Hey, is that a Hammerite stripclub...?

    "thy wouldst require a lapdance, brother?"


  16. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Hey, is that a Hammerite stripclub...?

    "thy wouldst require a lapdance, brother?"


    I could add some pulsating blue and some techno music, if only I knew how to add music.

  17. #117
    Oh well, may as well show you the thing causing me so much trouble. It's a Hammerite chapel/cathedral thing.

    Just to warn you it's a 1280*1024 ingame capture, hence the url to it.

    So far....

  18. #118
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland
    Building this location made me understand that T3Ed does not like open spaces with no zones and portals. And one more thing: I hate all this navmeshes stuff. (DromEd was really easy, guys!)

  19. #119
    Registered: Nov 2003
    Location: Netherlands
    wow creepy screenshots

  20. #120
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Things are progressing along still, so I have a few new screens for you of my test mission, that might even make it into a real mission if things keep up the way they're going.

  21. #121
    Registered: Jul 2004
    ugh hurry up i want a fan mission dammit!

  22. #122
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bukary
    Building this location made me understand that T3Ed does not like open spaces with no zones and portals. And one more thing: I hate all this navmeshes stuff. (DromEd was really easy, guys!)
    Those lights will kill your framerate (I have no idea why)- if you are getting very poor performance, try a different type of light.

  23. #123
    Registered: Feb 2005
    I'm working on a castle-like inn with a cavernous secret room where smuggled goods are kept.

    Also I'm working on modifying Zillameth's fire elemental to create water, moss and light elementals (maybe a gas or electricity one too, good idea Zillameth).

    Obviously that's just for my own personal learning, and to see what one looks lie, I'd need Zillameth's permission to actualy use or release them.

  24. #124
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ProjectX
    Obviously that's just for my own personal learning, and to see what one looks lie, I'd need Zillameth's permission to actualy use or release them.
    No, you wouldn't. Besides, I wouldn't bother to write a detailed description, if I didn't want others to make use of it, right?

  25. #125
    Registered: Feb 2005
    You are a very cool person.

    Nearly completed the gas elemental (an easy one, not much changed) just some tweaks to the scripts and it'll be done. I'll post a screen of it when I'm done.

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