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Thread: Thief III Editing Wiki (discussion)

  1. #51
    Thank you, Sir!

  2. #52
    That's great news, thanks

  3. #53
    Hmmm. The Sound Drone link is dead. Is the file mirrored anywhere?

    In the meantime:

  4. #54
    Registered: Jan 2007
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    Really strange... I'm trying to open any WIKI page (using this link) but all I see is "403 - Forbidden: Access is denied." Does anyone know what was happened to WIKI?

  5. #55
    Registered: Jan 2001
    Location: Scotland
    Looks like the default page isn't working. This still works for me though.

  6. #56
    Didn't it die like everything else in the Great Server Crash of 2009?

  7. #57
    Registered: Jan 2007
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    Quote Originally Posted by GlasWolf View Post
    This still works for me though.
    Oh, looks like the most part of information has disappeared... Thank you anyway.

  8. #58
    Registered: Dec 1999
    Location: Black Squadron
    None of the information has disappeared. For some reason the server wasn't picking up the default document, hence the 403 error. It does work now.

  9. #59
    Registered: Jan 2007
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    David, thanks for your attention but I still don't see lots of information that should be in the WIKI and vanished now.

    For example, this tutorial:

    And this:

    And these links:

    By the way, "Search" gives nothing too ("Database error: A database query syntax error has occurred...").

    If it is called "None of the information has disappeared"...

    Forgot to say:
    If you'll need someone to test WIKI and to find more broken links, please, tell me in PM or by mail. I'll do it. I'm very interested in workable WIKI.
    Last edited by Tiens; 14th Apr 2009 at 01:56.

  10. #60
    Registered: May 2009
    Location: Hurr Durr
    I'm back on a computer after a 4 year absence (long story), the first thing I did was go and get Thief. Found TDS for Ł1.99 and rediscovered TTLG.
    I'm now messing around with T3ed and trawling through Fleshworks.
    But I'm getting 404'd all over the place. I think I can get most of the normal "content", but I can't get to any of the action screens, like create an account, or printable version.

    But despite these niggles, I'm grateful for the resources available.

  11. #61
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Deutschland
    You're right, I even started do show random pages just to find the ones that I need because all links in between were broken. Luckily it's only Fleshworks for now, Komag's stuff and a lot of tools are available at other places.

  12. #62
    Registered: May 2009
    Location: Hurr Durr
    Would it be useful if I made a list of broken links?

  13. #63
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Deutschland
    If you have anything to add to Tiens's list, yes, I guess you can.

    I always wanted to add some basic things to the wiki myself but never got around to do it.

  14. #64
    Does the Wayback Machine yield results from the links?

  15. #65
    I found that if you use this address: you'll be able to browse through all the tutorial pages and categories. The search function won't work though.

  16. #66
    As I'm nearly finished with my TDM mission i thought I would have a stab at T3Ed... I guess the standard question is how hard is it to use, and has anyone used DarkRadiant to compare..?

  17. #67
    If you ever used editor for Unreal tournament 2003-2004, the ease of use is comparable. I also used Radiant but I never got used to it's layout and navigation methods. I think they're much more simple in UE 2.0/2.x engines and higher. The main difference betewwn UE and Radiant is that you have to deal with subtractive CSG here. So the world is one big tank of "matter" and you have to carve out your areas and then fill them with objects.

    The main problem is the custom content. If you want to create something decent, you'd have to re-texture some of the stock meshes at least, in most cases you'll have to create almost everything on your own. In order to do so, you'll need 3ds max 5.1 with SP2 update, which is used both as the static mesh editor and texture material creator (Ion Shader plugin). It's weird but that's how it works.

    So, the level design isn't hard itself but adding objectives, changing difficulty settings and generally setting up your map for release is a chore, at least it always was for me. Also scripting requires a lot of patience and experiments.

    Thus I always liked the visual side of level design in T3ed (textures, meshes, emitters) and the fact that, despite it's flaws, Flesh has something beautiful in it when rendering nicely done and carefully lit environments.

  18. #68
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Deutschland
    ...and just as a side-node: In any first mission you don't really have to care about extra custom content; T3Ed already allows quite a couple of things to alter the things you find in it to make them look different (re-skin objects etc.).

  19. #69

    I wrote David a PM about possible releasing an offline copy of Fleshworks, but right after sending the message I recalled that I can do it myself (back in the day there was a smart thingy called Teleport Pro, in fact still is ).

    So here's the Fleshworks offline version. Obviously, the search function and categories won't work, so you'll have to look up the page titles manually, but at least you now have access to all tutorials

  20. #70
    Registered: Jan 2007
    Location: Moscow, Russia
    Quote Originally Posted by Judith View Post
    ...So here's the Fleshworks offline version...
    Oh, a BIG, BIGGER and the BIGGEST THANKS to you, Judith! It the second Christmas for me

  21. #71
    Glad you liked it I hope you won't need it in the long run. I started a backup site, where you'll have access to all the articles from Fleshworks:

    It's a free site so no surprises like MBS this time

  22. #72
    Registered: Oct 2013
    I think all links are dead. Is it any working link of the Fleshworks?

  23. #73
    Registered: Aug 2006
    Location: Deutschland
    Judith once had a back-up version on a different server but I couldn't find it right now. I have an offline version, if that helps.

  24. #74
    Registered: Oct 2013
    thanks, it will be helps, if you send it to me

  25. #75
    Registered: Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Beleg Cúthalion View Post
    Judith once had a back-up version on a different server but I couldn't find it right now. I have an offline version, if that helps.
    If you or Judith have it archived, I might be able to import that to the Thief wiki's T3ED editing section.

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