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Thread: Please ask your basic (newbie) questions in here.

  1. #26
    Registered: Feb 2005
    There is no "7mb limit" I know of. When we were developing the game, our only real limit was to fit the map in the Xbox's 64mb of memory.
    Quote Originally Posted by OrbWeaver
    Except Krypt did say at some point that they were editing huge levels 3x the size of those in the shipping game.
    Just for reference, it was mostly before Flesh was actually implemented that we had maps this big. We were still running them in the Unreal engine. At the time they had no textures, no characters, way fewer static meshes and no scripting. You can't really make a direct comparison between our maps from early in the development to the final maps. I have no idea if it would be possible to bring a map of that size up to the quality of the shipping maps with the Xbox memory restriction removed. I guess you guys will just have to try it out and see

  2. #27
    Registered: Sep 2004
    Location: Dunno. What week is it?
    'Nuther Newbie question:

    I've got a stream composed of five 512x512 water meshes. Is there a way to make the texture scroll to simulate flow?

    Unfortunately, my attempts to make a curvy stream failed, (the Builder didn't like my strangely shaped and wierd angled BSPs) so the stream is laser straight, which should make flow easier to simulate.
    There are 10 kinds of people in this world: Those who understand binary numbers and those who don't.

  3. #28
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Add Render->Texture Pan property to each of your water meshes. Set it to low value, like 0.1.

  4. #29
    Registered: Sep 2004
    Location: Dunno. What week is it?
    Thanks, Zillameth. Fixed it nicely! Don't know why I didn't see that.
    There are 10 kinds of people in this world: Those who understand binary numbers and those who don't.

  5. #30
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by nomad of the pacific
    Fixed it nicely! Don't know why I didn't see that.
    The best way to hide a letter is to put it on the mantlepiece, isn't it?

  6. #31
    Registered: Jan 2002
    Are there any keyboard shortcuts for brush rotation, movement and alignment? Same goes for textures.
    I recently had difficulties aligning two 16-sided cylinders which are perpendicular to each other. They should form the arched ceiling of a hallway, but I find it very difficult to make a convincing intersection and to align them properly. My brushes sometimes don't snap to the grid. I know you can right-click a vertex to snap it to the grid, but they still don't align the way I want.

  7. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by nomad of the pacific
    'Nuther Newbie question:

    I've got a stream composed of five 512x512 water meshes. Is there a way to make the texture scroll to simulate flow?

    Unfortunately, my attempts to make a curvy stream failed, (the Builder didn't like my strangely shaped and wierd angled BSPs) so the stream is laser straight, which should make flow easier to simulate.
    nomad, could you give a short primer on making water? I haven't seen anything in the Wiki, and I'd like to get something thrown in by tonight/tomorrow morning. Thanks.

  8. #33
    Registered: Jun 2003
    doctormidnight, you can find some basic info on water in this short thread.

    Bumbleson, there is an automatic align tool. Select surfaces you wish to align, then right click one of them and choose "align selected". Each suboption gives a little different effect, but there are just a few of them. Don't panic, if cylinders' bases suddenly become a blurry mess - just unalign them. Your brushes should not intersect, otherwise there might be some display errors. Static meshes, on the other hand, seem a lot more forgiving. There are some arches and vault ceilings in the SM library, in COLUMN_ARCH_VAULT_DOME directory. Besides, you can always try to use smaller static meshes to cover up places where textures are unaligned. This will not only make your level look better, but will also give it a bit of additional detail.

  9. #34
    Registered: Sep 2004
    Location: Dunno. What week is it?
    Doctormidnight, I'm not much of a writer, but here it goes! If this makes it into the Wiki in any form, please give credit to Zillameth for pointing out the thread and for how to simulate flow.

    Also, if anyone knows how to add a water stim to the mesh so torches thrown in the water will extinguish, please let me know. I haven't been able to get it to work and all those torches burning under water look pretty silly.

    Edit: Never mind. It worked when I tried again. Property: Stimulus: ContactXfrInfo: Amount 15: Stimulus StimulusType_Water: TotalTime 1.0

    Tutorial for Adding Shallow Water to you level

    1. First, create your dry pool, canal or whatever in your map. Don't make it too deep or it will look very bad when Garrett crouches or picks up anything in the water.
    2. In the Static Mesh Browser under Nature, select one of the water textures. They all begin with "WAT". Right click over your pool and select 'ADD SM: WAT.... HERE'. Align it over your pool and slightly below ground level. (Note: If you get the 'unpublished meshes' error when you try to save the level, go back to the browser and select a skin for the mesh other than the Default and try to save again.)
    3. Set your builder brush directly over your water surface to a hieght high enough to cover Garrett's head. (Note: I never tried it lower than that so I'm not sure how well it would work.) Select your Volume brush and choose ShallowWaterVolume.
    4. BuildAll and you're set!

    Tip: If you want to make your water 'flow', go to your static meshes properties and add the property 'Render: TexturePan'. Adjust the TexturePanX and TexturePanY to match your flow direction. I use .1 or .2 to simulate a slow flow.
    Last edited by nomad of the pacific; 12th Mar 2005 at 08:20.

  10. #35
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: above the clouds
    nomad, the whole point of the wiki is that you can add it yourself!. I'll clean it up if anything goes amiss. Register and make the page. NOW!

  11. #36
    Note: It was I who said the 7mb limit, as mentioned it was unr, and it was whenever a map size went over 7mb that t3 crashed (but cut it down to just under 7mb and game ran it fine)- hence 7mb limit.

    Dont know if this is really a newbie Q. but I'll ask it here anyway.

    Everytime I add an AI to any part of my map, their feet sink into the floor and they cant move on play (but Garrett can move perfectly round the map). I tried adding an additive brush underneath their feet in case it was the old ued bug, but they still just are sunk on start (which makes ko-ing them easy) I cant figure out why the AI's should sink, I must be doing something wrong as other test maps I made to get used to T3Ed had no AI problem

  12. #37
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: above the clouds
    In the production maps you usually see the AI placed a little distance from the floor. I assume the reason is to avoid such problems.

  13. #38
    New Member
    Registered: Jul 2004
    a few questions from someone who hasnt done anything edit related since dromed was fresh, can i get some clarification on this whole static mesh thing? im not looking for a tutorial cause im not far enough yet and i havent even done any looking so i wont bother u. but u say the basics are done in a simple outline thing with what my mind calls the air brushes, and that u detail it with static meshes. so far my experiance with static meshes is using the ones they've already made, I presume there is a way to make ur own. but say for example im building a city scene... should entire buildings be made from these static meshes, or should they be added blocks hollowed out with subtraced ones and with all the details within done with the static meshes.

    also im having 2 problems. when i was trying to test the basic level i had made a few days ago, every time i went in game thief 3 would open to a loading screen before rudely kicking me out. is this a common problem? i figure i should try reinstall both thief and the editor, and try installing 2 versions of thief as per instructions but i wanted to make sure first.


  14. #39
    Registered: Jul 2004
    Location: Vermont
    You can make your own static meshes, but I think you need 3ds max, which is way out of my price range.

  15. #40
    Yeah, they do start off mid-air like in the om's but as soon as map starts they obviously fall through the floor

  16. #41
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Thiefs_Shadow, usually you brush the basic parts, and add details like trim, windowsills, columns, smokestacks, stairs etc... with static meshes. Or, if you want to have a building out of reach or not enterable, having an entire building made out of a static mesh is fine too. It depends on what you want to do with your space. For the inside of a house, the basic room outline would be brushwork. Then you'd fill that space with static mesh carpets, wood beams for the ceiling, and whatever furniture or trim the room would have. I think you dromeders have a term called 'detailing' where you go through as a last step and add extra detail brushes where appropriate. Now, that step would be mostly static mesh items.

  17. #42
    Registered: Sep 2004
    Location: Dunno. What week is it?
    nomad, the whole point of the wiki is that you can add it yourself!. I'll clean it up if anything goes amiss. Register and make the page. NOW!
    Sorry, scumble. I'm still a newbie and thought my tutorial should be open for review for a while, at least long enough for somebody to try it and say it doesn't work, before being put in the Wiki. I'd hate to see bad tutorials added to the Wiki. I'm confused enough already.

    I'll read the instructions and guidelines for adding to the Wiki and if I don't get any feedback by then, I'll add it.

    If anyone uses my tutorial, please be so kind as to let me know whether or not it works for you and any points that are unclear. Like I said, I'm not much of a writer.

    Also, the water stim I added only worked once. Anyone know what I did wrong?

  18. #43

    Help needed with installing and running the editor

    Hi I have a team of thief game playing veterans who have got the editor but cannot install, they have tried following several methods suggested on this website and still ended up in the game freezing. Everytime the editor icon runs this error occurs with " editor" missing in the command line. Are there any clear instructions as to installing and running the editor. We have designed several missions from scratch and need some guidance as to how to begin the development process. Please reply asap so we can get started on several fan missions. Not new to game design, only to using this editor. please advise as to where some quickstart isntructions can be found

  19. #44
    I really would suggest your people use the thief3edit directory instead of just putting the editor on your main t3 directory as you appear to be implying with that error.

  20. #45
    Can someone please go through the stages of how they managed to run the editor. we have followed some very confusing advice on the forums and got nowhere. We have XP if that makes any difference, have the editor ready to extract and thief 3 has been installed and patched. From scratch what to do would be very helpful. Thanks v much

  21. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by [NAUC]Chief
    Everytime I add an AI to any part of my map, their feet sink into the floor and they cant move on play (but Garrett can move perfectly round the map).
    Are they also in DaVinci pose? Did you make sure to Build All, and thus build the navmesh? Without navmesh info, the AI feet seem to sink into the floor. Then again, that might not be your issue here, because there should be a debug message on launch when that is the case, something like "AI exists but map doesn't have navmesh info."

  22. #47
    Registered: Dec 1999
    Location: Black Squadron
    Werewolf, following the first eleven steps detailed here should work fine.

  23. #48
    Are they also in DaVinci pose? Did you make sure to Build All, and thus build the navmesh?
    yes theyre in that pose, and yes I had done build all (several times in fact). I just started a new map for my mission, and the new map has the same problem For an experiment I even tried adding an AddAIPoint and a navmesh insertion point to see if it made the slightest bit of difference, which it didnt.

    I just tried putting one at ceiling height and they yet again spawned on the ground ankle deep in the floor arms outstretched, i might add that they move their eyes etc and can talk if u hurt them.
    Last edited by [NAUC]Chief; 12th Mar 2005 at 14:29.

  24. #49


    Thanks for trying to help dave, I followed those instructions already and I still receive the same error. Not a viktoria error and i have followed all the steps exactly. I uninstalled reinstalled patched had no mods etc, extracted and deleted all ok, I still run and get the same error about the editor in the command line.

  25. #50
    Registered: Dec 1999
    Location: Black Squadron
    If you plan on using the Launcher, you don't need to do the one about creating a shortcut.

    Anyway, the error you're getting there is probably due to have quote marks surrounding it, or something like that.

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