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Thread: Please ask your basic (newbie) questions in here.

  1. #76
    I have searched my computer and found the unr files as you stated would be there, just that the editor hasnt found them? I looked in the T3 maps folder and it was empty, when i search normally it is full of unr files

  2. #77
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: above the clouds
    The editor file dialog will see any .unr files. Sounds to me like you're getting confused about where you put the files

  3. #78
    It's my mistake there are two t3 files, one inside the other. eek sorry. Playing with the build and light buttons now, teehee

  4. #79
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: above the clouds
    And there was much rejoicing.

  5. #80
    Ok completed the tutorial, and the editor looks great. One slight problem, i go to test my tutorial mission and it gives the box map loading, then the screen goes black and i hear the bling noise that xp makes when there is an error and i cant get back to the desktop and am forced to restart.

  6. #81
    Still get an error message wehn trying to play the tutorial, i go to launch it, get a black screen and an error message saying thief needs to close, not real details of why. I have tried virus scanner off and internet off and firewall off and moved all maps to the one folder in case that could cause any errors. Not sure as to why it can't load.

  7. #82
    Registered: Dec 1999
    Location: Black Squadron
    Ensure that you have indeed renamed /system/T3MainOpt.exe to /system/T3Main.exe
    Naturally you should rename Thief3Main.exe first.

    Once you have done the renaming then your T3Main.exe file should be 8.47MB

  8. #83
    it might be your firewall causing it, add the exe files to your firewall allowed list and see if you still get the problem.

    I finally fixed my AI bug I decided to do a special build all with just the nav mesh being built, and I set all options for the navmesh to be built- and now my AI work great

    For those who dont know what this means and experience the same problem as I had you go to Build>Build Options> and then I UNCHECKED everything except for Geometery, and Build AI Navmesh (and checked ALL tick boxes for navmesh building).
    Last edited by [NAUC]Chief; 13th Mar 2005 at 08:30.

  9. #84
    In the thief3edit folder under system i have 5 icons for thief, 5 yellow icons. I renamed the optversion to T3Main and it is indeed 8.47mb, and there is another icon that is T3 that is 67kb. The other icons are shipping and release versions and ion launcher. The editor icon is also there as T3ED. I was quite sure i had followed those steps right, delete the current t3main and then rename the opt version.

  10. #85
    Registered: Dec 1999
    Location: Black Squadron
    If you're going to be working with gaming editors with thousands of files where some will require their extensions changing, you should really have all file extensions showing.
    In Windows XP this is Tools > Folder Options > View > and uncheck Hide extensions for known file types from any explorer window.

  11. #86
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Pennsylvania
    Here's a new question: Does Render>Transparency work? It seems to make objects and meshes disappear completely when any setting other than 0.0 is used (but shiny objects still have the "shininess" visible and nothing else). Is there any way to make things partially transparent? I don't remember if the OMs had anything that was...

    My guess is that Render>Transparency is nothing more than a hold out from UED, but I hope that's not the case...

  12. #87
    Registered: Jul 2004
    Location: Vermont


    I see a lot big arches around doorways. For those, or even regular doorways, would you use BSP or static meshes.

  13. #88
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Pennsylvania
    Quote Originally Posted by Speesh
    I see a lot big arches around doorways. For those, or even regular doorways, would you use BSP or static meshes.
    You should use static meshes for everything you possible can. Each room needs a brush/BSP to define the space, but everything else can potentially be static meshes. There are lots of doorways in the static meshes, and they're there to be used.

  14. #89
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: Not where I'd like to be

    Noob question 2: Working with editor

    Now that I've logged a few hours of playing around with the editor, I've got a couple of questions.

    1) When applying textures via the texture tool, I find that sometimes I can't select a surface. Clicking on it does nothing. Double clicking highlights it for a second, but then it un-highlights. I find that I have to re-build to select the surface. What am I doing wrong. I must be forgetting a step.

    2) If building a cube and applying textures to it, I find that I have to rotate the view to apply a texture to the face that is closest to me. I can see 5 faces, but the 6th face is always "see-through" until I rotate. What do all you experts do to accomodate this? Rotate to an odd orientation so you can see all the faces at one time?

    3) I've gone through the texture libraries a little bit, but not the whole way. Is there a "torch" repository somewhere? A more general question would be whether or not people find that they need to make their own objects on a regular basis for an "average" mission, or if there are libraries of objects available (such as torches, furniture, wagons, light posts, etc).

    Thanks for the help.


  15. #90
    This post doesn't belong here.

    It belongs here

  16. #91
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: Not where I'd like to be

    Thanks for the help, but your links just go to the main Thief3 Editor forum (isn't that where I posted them....rubs chin....that's where I THOUGHT I POSTED apologies if not). If I posted them elsewhere, it was a mistake, and thanks for fixing it.


  17. #92
    You posted them in the Thief General Discussions. They have been moved (well, this one has).

  18. #93
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: Canada
    I have a noob question. I cant get the game to play my levels. More specifically, when I press the "Play Map" button in the editor, the editor minimizes, a progress bar comes up and then it disappears then nothing. It doesnt load whatsoever. I`ve turned off internet security and still no luck. I imagine someone has had this problem before. I havent had any other problems with the editor yet. I`ve also looked through the Wiki and didnt see anything. Hopefully someone can help, or at least point out I`m blind. Thanks,

    My specs are: 2.53 ghz Intel, Geforce 4 ti 4600 128mgs, 512mgs of Ram, Audigy 2 sound card, WinXP. I`ve updated the drivers etc.

  19. #94
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: Not where I'd like to be
    Quote Originally Posted by Subjective Effect
    You posted them in the Thief General Discussions. They have been moved (well, this one has).
    DOH! What an ass I am. I'm the kind of person who flames for those types of transgressions. Wow, must really not have been paying attention.

    Thanks again for the help.


  20. #95
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: Not where I'd like to be
    Quote Originally Posted by goldwolf
    I cant get the game to play my levels. More specifically, when I press the "Play Map" button in the editor, the editor minimizes, a progress bar comes up and then it disappears then nothing. It doesnt load whatsoever.
    Did you replace your t3main.exe with the one that shipped with the editor? I had the same issue until I replaced the executable. The one that comes with the editor has to be renamed to t3main.exe after you remove/archive/rename the original executable in the System directory.


  21. #96
    Registered: Jan 2003
    Location: Canada
    Yep... I followed the installation guide by Dave on the Wiki.

  22. #97
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Pennsylvania
    Quote Originally Posted by 2003MINI
    2) If building a cube and applying textures to it, I find that I have to rotate the view to apply a texture to the face that is closest to me. I can see 5 faces, but the 6th face is always "see-through" until I rotate. What do all you experts do to accomodate this? Rotate to an odd orientation so you can see all the faces at one time?
    It is not possible to view 6 sides of a cube simultaneously--not even in real life. Get used to moving the camera a lot, because that is what you need to do. It will become second-nature if you do it enough, I promise. Make sure you know what left-click (and drag), right-click, and both-click all do to the camera in the 3D view, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by 2003MINI
    3) I've gone through the texture libraries a little bit, but not the whole way. Is there a "torch" repository somewhere? A more general question would be whether or not people find that they need to make their own objects on a regular basis for an "average" mission, or if there are libraries of objects available (such as torches, furniture, wagons, light posts, etc).
    The things you're looking for aren't textures. They're actors (anything interactive or with light) and static meshes (anything that will never move, such as stairs, arches, pillars, etc). There are separate browsers for each. The actor browser is a separate tab in the window with the texture browser. The static mesh broswer can be opened from the view menu or with a button nearby.

  23. #98
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 2003MINI
    1) When applying textures via the texture tool, I find that sometimes I can't select a surface. Clicking on it does nothing. Double clicking highlights it for a second, but then it un-highlights. I find that I have to re-build to select the surface. What am I doing wrong. I must be forgetting a step.
    You have to rebuild to change/apply textures to a surface. This is normal behaviour.

    2) If building a cube and applying textures to it, I find that I have to rotate the view to apply a texture to the face that is closest to me. I can see 5 faces, but the 6th face is always "see-through" until I rotate. What do all you experts do to accomodate this? Rotate to an odd orientation so you can see all the faces at one time?
    If you know of an orientation that allows you to see all 6 faces of a cube at once, please share it. I am truly fascinated.

  24. #99
    Can anyone tell me how to make a locked door that is locked to the player but AI can freely open and close it

    Also when I make new scripts now they're not appearing in the script browser and when I make a script of the same name it says it's there even though I can't see it

  25. #100
    Registered: Jun 2003
    Location: Not where I'd like to be
    Quote Originally Posted by OrbWeaver
    If you know of an orientation that allows you to see all 6 faces of a cube at once, please share it. I am truly fascinated.
    LOL. I was thinking of an orientation where you are looking in via a corner so that there are 3 faces at an angle to you and 3 behind that. I guess the problem with that is the 3 closest faces would be invisible. But that's what I was thinking.

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