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Thread: Please ask your basic (newbie) questions in here.

  1. #101
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by [NAUC]Chief
    Can anyone tell me how to make a locked door that is locked to the player but AI can freely open and close it
    Give the AI the key?

    This works in Dromed, at least, but I have not tried it in TDS.

  2. #102
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland
    Does importing and exporting brushes work in T3Ed?

    I selected three fancy shaped brushes in original level. I cliked on Brush>Intersect and saved brushes as .t3d file. I loaded my map, clicked on Brush>Import, selected the proper file... and nothing happened. My red brush has not changed at all...

  3. #103
    Use File>import not brush>import

  4. #104
    Registered: Jul 2004
    Location: Vermont

    Static meshes newb question

    How do I implement these in the 3d world? I can open up the static mesh browser, but I don't see any build buttons. I only see reload meshes and edit tree.

  5. #105
    Registered: Mar 2004
    just click on the static mesh name so that its highlighted, then close the menu and right click on a grid. One of the options will say add SM: =staticmeshname=

  6. #106
    Registered: Oct 2004


    how to make rooms out of the polys in the thief 3 editor

  7. #107
    Registered: Jul 2004
    Location: Vermont
    Thanks, this should keep me busy for a while.

  8. #108
    Registered: Jul 2004
    Location: Vermont
    I don't know if this is the answer that you are looking for, but I think you make them using brushes. I remember seeing an object somewhere in the interface for solid and air, a room would be made simply by putting an air brush inside a solid area like in dromed 1 and 2.

  9. #109
    Registered: Oct 2004
    then all i need to do then is add the texture to the poly?

  10. #110
    Registered: Sep 2002
    Location: Pennsylvania
    Quote Originally Posted by theBishop
    then all i need to do then is add the texture to the poly?
    If you want.

  11. #111
    Registered: Sep 2004
    Location: Dunno. What week is it?
    2) If building a cube and applying textures to it, I find that I have to rotate the view to apply a texture to the face that is closest to me. I can see 5 faces, but the 6th face is always "see-through" until I rotate. What do all you experts do to accomodate this? Rotate to an odd orientation so you can see all the faces at one time?
    Select one face and Shift-B to select all the rest. Then apply your texture.
    Last edited by nomad of the pacific; 14th Mar 2005 at 21:12.

  12. #112
    Registered: Sep 2004
    Location: Dunno. What week is it?
    How can I make a pawn perform an action? I'm trying to make an AULTavernKeep perform the "turn_left, scrubtable, turn_right" routine when she patrols to a certain spot. I've tried putting the patrol point at the location where I want this to happen and linking the pawn and point, I've tried using a special volume using both the default name and setting the name to "clean" and I've tried this with both trigger scripts and conversations, but the pawn does not react. I've tried the same things with another pawn doing a single action (can't remember the name, but I think it's driving a sword into a killed opponent) with trigger script and the pawn will at least pause at the appropriate spot before continuing to patrol. All these moves show up under the appropriate actor class in the skeleton animation browser, so they should work. I don't have the details of everything I tried because I'm on another computer at the moment.

    Also, I've given a broom to a pawn by rigid attachment and I would like to have it treat the broom as a hammer weapon to attack a mouse. Any way to make this happen? It was easy in Dromed. The weapons are baffling me in T3Ed!

  13. #113
    New Member
    Registered: Nov 2004

    Quote Originally Posted by goldwolf
    I have a noob question. I cant get the game to play my levels. More specifically, when I press the "Play Map" button in the editor, the editor minimizes, a progress bar comes up and then it disappears then nothing. It doesnt load whatsoever. I`ve turned off internet security and still no luck. I imagine someone has had this problem before. I havent had any other problems with the editor yet. I`ve also looked through the Wiki and didnt see anything. Hopefully someone can help, or at least point out I`m blind. Thanks,
    I have the same miserable problem.

    I fixed my problem! I had T3Main.exe as T3Main.exe.exe so I just renamed it to T3Main.exe and now I can play my map from the joystick button in the editor as long as I shutdown ZoneAlarm first.
    Last edited by Homru; 15th Mar 2005 at 04:52.

  14. #114

    Climbable walls!

    This is getting increasingly frustrating - I cannot get Garrett to climb walls.

    I've added the Trigger Script (I think - under the triggerscript it still has "none" and 0 but I know I followed Davids instructions exactly).

    The thread about creating climbable walls is very vague about the texture properties. Where do you set them? At the moment I'm using textures that have a "climbable" property according to the tecture browser

  15. #115
    Registered: Sep 2001
    Location: U.S.A.

    Trigger Scripts

    In my effort to recreate the Invisibility and Speed potions from T2, I've run into a major problem with trigger scripts. Any new script I create does not work when I run the game.

    I made a Speed potion, for example, modelled after the existing Health potion (child of Potion) and made a speed script (complete with sound effect so I know immediately whether or not the script works when I use it) based on the HealthPotion script. The item itself works fine. Whenever I use it, a potion is consumed. My SpeedPotion script, though, does nothing. The same problem occurs when I try an Invisibility potion or whatever.

    Existing scripts run perfectly, but nothing I make works. I'm under the impression that I missed some important step when creating new scripts (maybe there's some magic button or sequence of buttons I have to press on the GUI to compile my scripts -- I don't know). Any clue?

  16. #116
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland
    Quote Originally Posted by bukary
    Does importing and exporting brushes work in T3Ed?

    I selected three fancy shaped brushes in original level. I cliked on Brush>Intersect and saved brushes as .t3d file. I loaded my map, clicked on Brush>Import, selected the proper file... and nothing happened. My red brush has not changed at all...
    Quote Originally Posted by [NAUC]Chief
    Use File>import not brush>import
    It does not work.

    I want to place some brush form original map in my custom map (not start completely new map with original brushes). How can I do this?

  17. #117
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2005
    I think I know where Davids tutorial can go wrong, assuming you mean this one:

    Step 10 should probably instruct you to click ok until you get back to the trigger script manager and then select the name of the script you created then click ok to get back to the object properties window, and then click "use".
    As for climbable walls, i dont know how to specify a texture/surface as climbable, but a brick like one works to test the climbing gloves script works, such as "STMA_CHRWALLC_D" under the T3_STONEMARKET category.

  18. #118
    Thanks. That's sorted it.

  19. #119
    Registered: Mar 2004
    Think you have to have 3dsmax if you want to change a non climbable texture into a climbable one. When you're adding textures to matlibs, you can assign the material category as 'stoneclimb'.

    No idea if there's an alternate method.

  20. #120
    New Member
    Registered: Mar 2004
    Location: Old Quarter

    Ambient sounds?

    Has anyone found a way to control the volume of ambient sounds (or any sound for that matter)? Make em louder/softer?

    Stay in the shadows...

  21. #121
    hmm File>Import should have a message "import new map" which if deselected I believe should import the brush into ur current map

  22. #122
    Registered: Jun 2001
    Location: Tatry Mountains, Poland
    Quote Originally Posted by [NAUC]Chief
    hmm File>Import should have a message "import new map" which if deselected I believe should import the brush into ur current map
    There are:

    Import New Map > OK (new map is imported)


    Import New Map > Cancel (nothing happens)

    That's all.

    I guess there is no way of importing selected brushes from one map to another.

  23. #123
    Make ur brush by intersect (same as u had done), then Brush>Export and save the t3d file

    Then Brush>Import it into other maps, works fine for me that way

  24. #124
    Registered: Mar 2003
    Location: Still hoarding rope arrows

    Another noob question

    Good morning,

    I had someone ask me if it was possible to install and run the editor without the Thief3 patch because some people had problems with it. I've not heard of any problems ... but it wouldn't hurt to ask. Besides which , I'm a total noob with this editor and would not want to steer another taffer wrong. So...

    What problems have people been having with the T3 patch ?

    Will the editor run without it ?

  25. #125
    Registered: Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by FatherofGarrett
    Has anyone found a way to control the volume of ambient sounds (or any sound for that matter)? Make em louder/softer?

    Most of the properties for ambient sounds are contained in the Schema itself, rather than as properties of the marker as with Dromed.

    I think you can modify the properties in the Schema Browser, but this may change the schemas globally rather than just in your mission. It may also be possible to create your own schemas based on existing ones, but I have not investigated this myself.

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