Right-click on the surface, choose Surface Properties, then the Pan / Rot / Scale tab of the dialog. Use the scaling buttons to scale the texture.Originally Posted by Krux
I can see how to pan and rotate textures, but how do I scale them? If I use the geometry scale tool (I know, I know, use the vertex editor instead) the textures scale with it, and I get bricks that are the size of a man. Sometimes I also want the texture smaller than normal as well. Thanks,
Right-click on the surface, choose Surface Properties, then the Pan / Rot / Scale tab of the dialog. Use the scaling buttons to scale the texture.Originally Posted by Krux
Not directly connected to the editor, but...
How can I edit the fonts in TDS? There are *.dds files for both the Papyrus and GoblinHand fonts in \CONTENT\T3\PCTextures\Fonts\ but don't seem to be used at all - I can even delete them with no effect on the game.
edit: Nevermind, seems I forgot to use Dracflamloc's launcher to switch to game mode, which led to the game using the editor's contents.
Last edited by van HellSing; 25th Mar 2005 at 02:55.
Im trying to install a spiral staircase in the middle of my training FM room. How to I get it to align perfectly with the floor and ceiling? Ive tried raising the step height, the number of steps too, but I cannot get it to align smoothly.
Thanks, max
P.S. If I wanted to start to alter some of the skins, what kind of software would I need to do so? I would like to begin work on a dream Ive had for a while, a DRAGON for thief, not another burrick sub species, which are fine, but a real DRAGON, like the one that lives in my attic. The Kurshok face looks like the place to start, maybe on a magnified rat body that has been covered in darkened Kurshok hide, some gargoyle wings and a long neck. And when Garrett sneaks into his lair for a second time, he will say "Well Thief! I smell you and I feel your air. I hear your breath. Come Along! Help yourself again, there is plenty and to spare!" and Tolkiens ghost will rap me on the head with his walking stick.
Last edited by Maximius; 25th Mar 2005 at 09:33. Reason: another question
All you need is for the height of the room to be the step height times the number of steps - it's just getting the numbers right. Besides, there are a number of meshes for spiral staircases.
Right, I figured that earlier but I think I had the height of the room wrong to start with.
Thanks, Max
How do I spawn an object or an AI when I frob a button? I have been trying to figure this out for hours now and nothing seems to work. I'm not sure how I should set up the custom script in the button. I currently have it as it follows:
When I am frobbed by player
Spawn object type at end of [TriggerScript] at my location plus X=[0.00] Y=[0.00] Z=[0.00], inhering all my links.
What does this action mean? Does it mean that the object that I have linked the button to, will be spawned at the location of the button? Or am I supposed to use the other Spawn action to set the spawntype and the object would appear at the location of where the link leads.
Should I post a new thread or can this be considered as a newbie question?
You have to link directly to the gamesys archetype for this to work. Find the actor you want to spawn and get the archetype name, then add a TriggerScriptLink (right click, edit links) to whatever object you put the script on and type the archetype name into the TO: field. This will spawn the guy at the button, unless you put in offsets. The way I would set this up is to make a seperate script on the button that sends a trigger message. Then make an invisible marker where you want the guy to spawn and add a script to it that listens for the trigger message and spawns the guy at its location. For this setup you'll need to add the TriggerScriptLink to the marker instead of the button as I described above. Also remember that any scripts on the button need to be added to the button base, not the little button mesh itself. The base is what you actually frob.Originally Posted by Dark Arrow
Here is what I have:
A button in the middle of a room.
Button is linked to HauntedHousePuppet with a Spawn link.
Button has the script:
When I am frobbed by player
Spawn object type at end of [Spawn] at my location plus X=[0.00] Y=[0.00] Z=[5.00], inheriting all my links
Reset script conditions and actions
When I try it out, a viktoria error pops up.
GameUtils::SpawnActor failed to create a new actor of class (D_794)
Is there a way to capture the highlight event, instead of frob? So, when a player looks at something, as opposed to frobbing it. I can't seem to find it.
That error occurs because you're linking to an instance instead of an archetype (or class, as the error message says). The guy already exists in the map, so even if it didn't crash he would be standing where you wanted him to spawn when the map starts anyway. Set it up the way I described in my last post and it should work.Originally Posted by Dark Arrow
Yet Another install question.
I uninstalled TDS and then reinstalled in C:\Thief3. Then I patched the game. Then I copied the installation folder and renamed it Thief3 Edit. Then I unzipped the editor into the Thief 3 Edit folder. Then I deleted T3Main.exe from the Thief3 Edit system folder and renamed T3MainOptVersion to T3Main.exe. Then I made the changes in the user.ini file. Then started the launcher and directed it to the proper pathways and clicked on launch editor. Absolutely nothing happens.
When I try to launch the T3main.exe from within the Thief3 Edit folder it starts up and gives me a version 1.1 with a date Nov 17, 2004. Then it goes black and I can do nothing. I also corrected several problems that other members here have had including installing current Nvidia drivers, making sure my VIA 4-in-1 drivers are installed, and confirming that colors are at 32-bit. Please help anyone. Thanks
Last edited by Gervasius; 25th Mar 2005 at 17:47.
This is what is giving me the trouble. I assume that objects in the Actor Class browser are archetypes. Is this correct?Originally Posted by Krypt
So I make a spawn link to HauntedHousePuppet (No __x extension)? This is how I currently have it set up. If I check the links in the actor class browser, I can see that there is a link created from a concrete object to the HauntedHousePuppet. So are those in the Actor Class Browser classes or something? In that case, what is considered to be archetypes?
Also, what files does the gamesys use?
[Edit]I think I got it (objects). I'm using the exact same setup (except I used a FrobEvent link, but that probably won't matter). I managed to create a crate1. Still AI's give that error. [/Edit]
Last edited by Dark Arrow; 26th Mar 2005 at 01:46.
Yes, the character in the gamesys is the archetype. You want to link to the template to create the character you want to spawn, rather than a specific instance of that character in the map.Originally Posted by Dark Arrow
However, I just made a little test map with this setup and found some problems with it. I was able to spawn in an AristocratFemale_FDress_01 character just fine, but couldn't spawn a HauntedHousePuppet. This is probably because the property bNotSpawnable is set to true on the puppet, and false the aristocrat. Unless you want to change the character in gamesys, this spawning route is probably not the way to go in this case. Here is how I would set it up, and this is a lot easier anyway. Create a script with condition: When I am frobbed by player, action: Set [bOutOfWorld] to [FALSE] on linked objects [TriggerScript]. Put this script on your switch. Now drop the HauntedHousePuppet into the map where you wanted him to spawn earlier, and set bOutOfWorld to TRUE on him. Create a TriggerScript link from the switch to the puppet and it should all work.
I was planning to use that method on some things in my mission. Glad to hear it will work.Originally Posted by Krypt
For some bizarre reason, vertex editing doesn't work for me. If I start a new map, the vertex editor will let me select vertices on the builder brush but not move them. If the map has anything in it, I can't even select vertices.
Because of this I'm having to use the 2d editor and brush scaling to make anything vaguely interesting, and I'm having the usual scaling-related problems (last night I got the 'no floors' error on a grand scale - half my map vanished!).
Obviously, this is not good, so does anyone know why vertex editing doesn't work, and if so, how can I fix it?
In what way is bOutOfWorld different to bHidden? I have been using the latter to disable my AIs while playtesting a map.Originally Posted by Krypt
How are you trying to select and move them? You need to Ctrl-Alt-Leftdrag to draw a selection box around the vertices to move (which will turn white), and then Ctrl-Leftdrag to actually move them. You also need to make sure that the brush is selected before you do this.Originally Posted by Rantako
Don't use bHidden, it is an obsolete property left over from unreal. It probably works to some extent, but it's not the right way to do it because I believe the game still calculates physics and AI and stuff on it even when it's hidden. bOutOfWorld is the property you should be using to hide/unhide stuff.Originally Posted by OrbWeaver
Thanks, OrbWeaver - I didn't know about the Ctrl-Alt-Leftdrag to select, I'd been trying to click on the vertices. Everything works fine now.
bOutOfWorld works nicely... I'd already noticed it being used on the "staff" in the cradle when I went looking to figure out how they appeared in the "past" cradle but not the present.Originally Posted by Krypt
In my test map I have a push button on a wall that toggles some Guards on and off
Does time flow for Guards stop when they're "off" like this ? It's a bit hard to tell. For example if he's chasing you and you turn him off for a couple of minutes, will he resume the chase, or will he have given up by then ?
Also vaugly related, with Triggerscripts that toggle a value (such as bOutOfWorld), why is it necessary to include the action "Reset Script conditions and actions" as the last action ?
Initially I just had:
Toggle [bOutOfWorld] on linked objects of type [TriggerScript]
and it worked once, but wouldn't toggle back again. Then I looked at the light On/Off script and saw the reset script line, and it toggles fine after I added it, but just wondered why its needed?
Last edited by Mandrake; 27th Mar 2005 at 15:44.
Alright, completely noob question. What is the command to show the FPS? I tried the show_stats command, as indicated in the T1 & T2 forums. I hit the ~ button in the debug mode, typed in show_stats, and nothing happened (actually got "invalid command" or something like that).
What should I be doing differently?
All scripting systems need a distinction between "run this script once, then forget about it" and "run this script each and every time the trigger conditions are met". Whether you do it this way round, or have the scripts run every time by default with an additional "discard this script after use" option is a design decision.Originally Posted by Mandrake
Well, you aren't going to get very far with dromed commands...Originally Posted by 2003MINI
You can get a debug menu by pressing backspace in game, and the option to display FPS is in there.
There is also a great, FREE program called fraps that will show you the fps on Direct3d games/apps. Its very good. just search for it on google or something.Originally Posted by 2003MINI