Should I download the T3 editor now, and make a great level, or get my priorities right and stop holding up the release of T2X ?
yours, agonised of audale.
This thread is simply a place where you can ask simple questions without fear of being accused of not using the search function, or not taking the time to read through a couple of pages of threads.
Lots of newbie questions tend to clutter up the main forum with unnecessary threads, so everyone would appreciate having those questions being safely tucked away in here.
Ask away!
Last edited by scumble; 24th May 2006 at 04:10.
Should I download the T3 editor now, and make a great level, or get my priorities right and stop holding up the release of T2X ?
yours, agonised of audale.
Finish T2X! Dying to see it!
BTW, thanks for the thread, scumble!
There are 10 kinds of people in this world: Those who understand binary numbers and those who don't.
Gonchong, you are clearly suffering frome APT (Acute Procrastination Syndrome). The only known cure is a damn good kick in the arse. Unfortunately, my foot cannot reach your posterior from my current goegraphical location.
Is there a way to resize brushes by typing its x, y, z values in somewhere? I'm quite annoyed of using the brush scaling tool, makes fine-tuning a pain.
oh ok, I haven't finished T3 yet anyway. Can't wait to join in and show you guys how to implement the rope arrowGonchong, you are clearly suffering frome APT (Acute Procrastination Syndrome). The only known cure is a damn good kick in the arse. Unfortunately, my foot cannot reach your posterior from my current goegraphical location.
You should really be using Vertex Editing - see this page in the wiki, in the section "Manipulating the Brush" - I've linked to alternative tutorials there if it's not clear.Originally Posted by Donnerwetter
I'm still totally confused by the textures. I'm told to import the Matlibs. And? Done it and there are no more textures.
Edit: yeah, so I done it.
Last edited by SubJeff; 15th Mar 2005 at 03:32. Reason: to update fer other noobs
Textures, yeah, they're giving me a problem. Can't find any besides the very basic few in the tool at startup. They don't look very useful. I'm looking for something like "wood" or "stone" wall textures, etc. All I see are ladders and huds and a few not-so-useful patterns.
Am I missing something? Do I need to make any of the really useful ones myself?
Sometimes to see the textures in the browser, you need to select one of the "texture families" like T3_GEN, T3_DUN, etc... from the drop down menu right above the texture display area.
If no textures are showing up after loading the MatLibs and selecting a set from the drop down menu, then maybe reinstalling the editor is in order? Files may be missing...
Subjective Effect, just to make sure: you have selected 'File --> Import All MatLibs' in the texture browser, yes?
If you have, then you should see -- in the texture browser ('View --> Show Texture Browser), in the 'Textures' tab -- a drop-down list with a huge choise of texture classes. Select any of those, and the textures in that class will be shown in the browser window below.
Do you mean that you've done all this, and still can't see any textures in the browser? If so, then something really weird is going on.
When I first opened the texture tool, I saw things such as HUD, ladder, ladderfont, PS2, particles, and a few others. These all seemed fairly useless, and half of them appeared to be actual arrow icons.
What I was really looking for was something called "Wall textures" or "floor textures", etc. I'll do the loading of the Matlib file tonight to see if I can get more out of it.
Talk about a newbie question - I don't even have the game yet.. (yet....!) I'm so new to editing, I can't edit. Anyway, in my anticipatory reading of the forums, someone mentioned a 7MB limit to the level size for T3. Is this true? That seems smallish to me... I then proceeded to look for a list of known "limits", but came up empty-handed(nothing on the wiki, that I could find easily, at any rate.). So what are some known limitations?
jolynsbass, I think it's too early to say for definite what sort of limits we're dealing with. Until more people run up against problems it's all a bit experimental.
Besides, you should play the game before thinking about anything else...
I remember reading that there was a level limit set during development (7Mb?) but this was artificial due to xbox restrictions. The PC levels could be larger.
Then again, everything gets mixed up in my head like spaghetti.
You might be right there - Krypt or Harwin may be able to confirm...
Someone (don't remember who) wrote about not even being able to open 7mb .unr files in the editor.
edit: Oh, and my newb question is here: http://ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94609
Last edited by van HellSing; 11th Mar 2005 at 04:43.
It's true, the 7MB figure has come up several times. If there is indeed such a limit, there isn't much hope of huge levels being constructed, unless the limit can be hacked out somehow.
By the way, I'd say that was a little beyond a newbie question...
Except Krypt did say at some point that they were editing huge levels 3x the size of those in the shipping game.Originally Posted by scumble
Of course this was with the version of T3Edit used by ISA, not the one we have.
Aye, there's the rub.
Stupid question; How i can run my map without editor?
I just downloaded the editor and have no idea how to use anything unreal related at all. I just wanted to know a few basic ideas about the editor. My first question is about architecture: I heard that a lot of the architecture is done through static meshes, is this true or is the architecture done more similar to Dromed through air and solid brushes?
(Thanks for the newb thread scumble)
Base architecture (and I mean BASE, as in vague blocky chunks of air and solid) are done through BSP. You could build it all in BSP like in Dromed, but it would suck and it would run poorly with moderate detailing.
The new paradigm in FPS engines is to build a vague outline of the level in BSP and then use static meshes to detail / flesh it out. The advantage to meshes over BSP is explained very well here
I've imported Baffords and built the BSP on that, which has given a 12MB UNR file which I was able to reopen fine.
I'm currently doing a "Build All" on the same file, which generated a 43MB UNR file last time I did it. (and subsequently deleted it)
[edit] 46MB Bafford's UNR opens fine[/edit]
Yes, this "7 MB limit" thing that is floating around is very non-specific at the moment.Originally Posted by David
Is it the UNR file? Is it the GMP file? Is the the editor that crashes, or the real game? If it is the editor, does it crash on loading the level, building the level or playing the level? How is the test being performed, and what is being added to the level to increase its size beyond 7 MB (BSP, static meshes, textures, archetypes, and so on)? Is there any other common factor that links all the > 7 MB levels that have been tested and found to crash? Etc.