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13th Apr 2015
New Deus Ex game announced - Renault - 18:35
There's not a ton of info yet, but a new Deus Ex game has been announced - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. There's a trailer to to view (no gameplay footage), and Game Informer has some information on the game. There are also some details in the current game thread in the TTLG forums.
29th Oct 2013
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut - fett - 19:38
DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION - DIRECTOR'S CUT from Eidos Montreal released in North America October 22nd and October 25th in Europe. Though the Mac version won't see release until later this year, it is currently available on XBox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii U, and Windows PC.
The Director's cut features all DX:HR DLC, infologs, quick inventory capabilities, beefed-up graphics and combat mechanics, new augs, and probably the most anticipated improvement to the original game: re-worked boss fights.
The Director's cut features all DX:HR DLC, infologs, quick inventory capabilities, beefed-up graphics and combat mechanics, new augs, and probably the most anticipated improvement to the original game: re-worked boss fights.