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Thread: Suggestions for how to improve TG and T2 performance on m1 mac (Resolved)

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    New Member
    Registered: Apr 2020
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    Suggestions for how to improve TG and T2 performance on m1 mac (Resolved)

    Hello fellow thief enjoyers. I got a 14-inch m1 macbook pro like 2 years ago and ever since then I've been trying and failing to get 1.27b Thief gold and thief 2 to run at an acceptable frame rate. So far I have tried using wineskin, Playonmac, and crossover among other programs. I saw that some people had success with using parallels, but that is a bit too expensive for me. I used to have a 2011 macbook pro that could run thief using wineskin very well, so I feel like a laptop that is 11 years newer should be able to run it at least as well. I understand it's not so simple because of the different CPU architecture or whatever, but I felt like I should at least post to ask for suggestions before just finally giving up trying to get it to run.

    Edit: apparently vmfusion went free last year so I tried that. I was under the impression I had to buy a windows license, but this is not the case. It's a bit annoying to set up, but performance is quite good. Thought I would update post in case anyone else had the same problem I did.

    Moderator Edit of title to allow (Resolved) to fit.
    Last edited by Aamon; 7th Aug 2024 at 04:40. Reason: found potential solution

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